Trashketball Operation Redwood
Rules of Trashketball 1.Stay in your seats at all times. 2.You will have seconds to discuss the answer to a question AND 3.Write ONE response to the question on a slip of paper. 4.All teams will hold up their answers. 5.If you are correct, your team will get the opportunity to shoot the correct response into the trashcan from the 1 or 2 point line. 6.At the end of the game the winning team will enjoy a treat while we read our novel.
1 To mar the appearance of; disfigure
Answer Defacement
2 Synonyms: Possible, probable, acceptable
Answer Plausible
3 There are many ___________ theories regarding UFO’s and Area 51.
Answer Conspiracy
4 Dylan’s mom decided to ______ him in order to find out more details about the ______ he caused last night.
Answer Interrogate / Escapade
5 To determine the exact quantity, size, or extent of something; measurement.
Answer Gauge
6 Tending to trust and believe people, therefore easily tricked or deceived.
Answer Gullible
7 The little boy tried to look _________ as he snuck a cookie out of the cookie jar.
Answer Inconspicuous
8 Synonyms: Emotional, Gushy, Romantic Antonyms: Callus, hard, unemotional
Answer Sentimental
9 Synonyms: Lecture, scolding Antonyms: Friendly, chat
Answer Tirade
10 Believable, appearing to be true
Answer Plausible
11 The store owner went on a ______ over the boys who used spray paint to________ the outer walls of his business.
Answer Tirade / Deface
12 To question someone throughly, usually in an aggressive or forceful manner.
Answer Interrogate
14 Expression of tender feelings, often affected by emotional matters.
Answer Sentimental
15 Synonyms: Measurement / Scale
Answer Gauge
16 Not obvious: not easily seen or noticed.
Answer Inconspicuous
17 A secret plan or agreement between two or more people to commit an evil act.
Answer Conspiracy
18 Synonyms: Plan/ Plot/ Scheme Antonyms: Unplanned / Serious
Answer Escapade
19 A lengthy outburst of bitter scolding.
Answer Tirade
20 She is so ________, she’ll believe anything you say!
Answer Gullible
21 Reckless adventure; often unplanned with no regard to authority.
Answer Escapade