An Introduction to Your Regional Medical Library (NN/LM MAR) and NLM Resources Lydia N. Collins, MLIS Consumer Health Coordinator National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region
National Library of Medicine (NLM) Division of the National Institutes of Health World’s largest biomedical library Produces free, authoritative electronic health information resources 130+ health information databases Not a commercial vendor Government tax dollars at work! NNLM MAR
Role of a Regional Medical Library (NN/LM Office) Members are any organization in need of or providing health information services
What NN/LM MAR Can Do For You!
NN/LM MAR Training – Subject Areas
NLM Resource Highlight
MedlinePlus: Health Information You Can Trust What you’ll find… Over 900 Health & Wellness Topics Up-to-date Health Information Simple Language Easy-to-use Multiple Languages Videos, Tutorials, & Illustrations and more…
MedlinePlus: Flu
MedlinePlus Information for Trainers
Information Rx Help people: better understand health information enhance conversations between healthcare providers and patients encourage the use of evidence-based health information on the Internet Refer people to MedlinePlus Order special prescription pads and other materials
MedlinePlus Magazine A quarterly publication of the Friends of the National Library of Medicine. Get a free subscription! Organizations can order in bulk Spanish available also
MedlinePlus Connect “MedlinePlus Connect is a free service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)”. “ M+C is the application that links EHRs to the reliable patient education content in”
MedlinePlus Connect Problem, medication, or lab code-based request MedlinePlus Connect (EHR) Consumer health information targeted response Clinical system Patient portal EHR/Health IT System
NIHSeniorHealth MainPage
NIHSeniorHealth: Trainers Toolkit
Drug Information Resources
What is Website for patients, family members, health care providers, researchers and the public to access human studies on diseases and conditions. Search interventional and observational studies. Established in 1997, the first version was released in 2000 with 5,635 studies. Today has over 170,246 studies with results for 13,279. Provides links to other NLM databases.
NLM K-12 Resources
NLM exhibition program “The Exhibition Program creates lively and informative exhibitions and educational resources that enhance awareness of and appreciation for the collections of the National Library of Medicine. Explore. Discover. Enjoy”. Topics include Medicine & the Arts Science & Society Patients & Practitioners The Technology of Medicine Suitable for grades K-12+
NLM Educational & Printed Materials If you are an NN/LM network member in the Middle Atlantic Region (DE, NJ, NY, or PA), you may order educational and printed materials online.
NN/LM MAR: Health Outreach
Encouraging Partnerships Academic Institutions Community Based Organizations K-12 Schools Health Care Providers Public Health Departments Faith Based Organizations
Lydia N. Collins, Consumer Health Coordinator National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Middle Atlantic Region Locate Your Regional Medical Library (NN/LM Office) Developed by NN/LM staff. This project has been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Contract No. HHS-N C with the University of Pittsburgh-Health Sciences Library System. Contact Your Local NN/LM Office