Chapter 1 Understanding Personnel Assessment chapter 11
Chap 1 Assumptions Validation and Its Limitations Theory and Practice chapter 12
Chapter 1 Need to demonstrate: – Need for HR (ROI) – For talent acquisition and management (focus of this course) – A high cost for bad hires! ? High vs. low level positions ? Cf personnel high expensive equipment How would you demonstrate HR value? chapter 13
Wise Decisions Each hire is a big commitment for both – The employee and organization ? What are the implications for each? Should hiring be based or merit? – What does merit mean? How can you assess merit? – Or some other reasons? chapter 14
Role of Research in Staffing How did Gideon use self-selection? Can we depend upon dogmatic authority for selection? Fundamental Assumptions (Freyd, 1923): – Human abilities are normally distributed and Measureable Stable What are some? – Different jobs require different attributes Give some examples chapter 15
Role of Research Steps in traditional validation: – Job analysis What is done, what attributes and resources are – Criterion (what’s to be predicted) What is performance? A Result or behavior? How do you measure performance? – Use sales as an example – Form a predictive hypothesis For a sports athlete? chapter 16
Research Select methods of measurement – What are the value of tests and inventories? – What other methods can be validated? Design the research – Purpose is to generalize What does that mean? Cf multiple hurdle and compensatory –e.g.? Collect data Evaluate results –validate the predictor chapter 17
Validation designs: – Using “Present employees” v. “future employees” What are these called? What are the relative advantages of each? – Problems with traditional research: N – 30 or 300? What role does N play in VG? need for judgment Global for specific assessments – “whole person” =when should this be considered? chapter 18
Theory (academic) and Practice (consultant) What’s the value of theory? How to reconcile them – Client demands v. good practice – When do you compromise? How much? clinical judgment v. statistical -what’s the difference? -Which is better? chapter 19