Geo-Space observation of atmospheric environmental effects associated with 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident Our approach of using multiple geo-space observation.


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Presentation transcript:

Geo-Space observation of atmospheric environmental effects associated with 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident Our approach of using multiple geo-space observation is based on the LAIC (Lithosphere- Atmosphere- Ionosphere Coupling) model and the gained experience during similar analysis of Three-Mile Island and Chernobyl accidents. We do collect a unique dataset of geophysical data for the period around the time of the most active phase of Fukushima explosions (from 12 March till 31 March, DOY). We analyzed following data sets: (i)ground temperature and relative humidity data from the JMA network of Japan, (ii)satellite meteorological data and assimilative models to obtain the integrated water vapor chemical potential; (iii) the infrared emission on the top of atmosphere measured by NOAA satellites estimated as Outgoing Longwave Radiation; and (iv)multiple ionospheric measurements, including ground based ionosondes, GPS vTEC from GEONET network, COSMIC/FORMOSAT constellation occultation data, JASON satellite TEC measurements, and tomography reconstruction technique to obtain 3D distribution of electron concentration around the Fukushima power plant. As a result we were able to detect the anomalies in different geophysical parameters representing the dynamics of the Fukushima nuclear accident development and the effects on the atmospheric environment. Their temporal evolution demonstrates the synergy in different atmospheric anomalies development what implies the existence of the common physical mechanism described by the LAIC model. D.Ouzounov 1, S.Pulinets 2, M. Hernandez-Pajares 3, K.Hattori 4, A.Garcia-Rigo 3 1 Center of Excellence in Earth Systems Modeling & Observations (CEESMO), Chapman University, One University Drive, Orange, CA 92866, USA 2 Space Research Institute, RAS, Space Geophysics, Moscow, Russia 3 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain 4 University, Yayoi 1-33, Inage, Chiba, , Japan CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We acknowledge Geographical Survey Institute, Japan for providing the GEONET data. We also acknowledge NOAA/ESR, IGS/GPS, and JMA for providing public access to the science data. Hernandez, M.; Juan, J.; Sanz, J. (1997) High-resolution TEC monitoring method using permanent ground GPS receivers. GRL, , Ouzounov D., D. Liu, C. Kang, G.Cervone, M. Kafatos, P. Taylor, (2007) Outgoing Long Wave Radiation Variability from IR Satellite Data Prior to Major Earthquakes, Tectonophysics, 431, 20, Pulinets S. and D.Ouzounov (2011) Lithosphere-Atmosphere-Ionosphere Coupling (LAIC) model - an unified concept for earthquake precursors validation, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 41, 4-5, Laverov N., Pulinets S., Ouzounov D (2011) Use of thermal ionization effect for remote diagnostics of radioactive contamination of the environment. Doklady Earth Sciences, Vol. 441, Part 1,1560–1563 Davidenko D.V., (2013) Diagnostics of ionospheric disturbances over the seismo- hazardous regions (Ph.D. thesis). Fiodorov Institute of Applied Geophysics, Moscow, July, 147 p. Thermal anomalies registered over NPP disaster areas from satellite Satellite Daily Maps of Anomalous Thermal Radiation (NOAA/POES), March 14-31, Radioactive components – products of NPP disaster ionize atmospheric gases 2.New formed ions undergo hydration. Hydration is equivalent to ionization, hence latent heat is exerted 3.Anomalous fluxes of heat can be registered by satellite infrared sensor 4.The technology developed to identify these signals onboard satellite 5.This technology gives opportunity to control the nuclear pollution Three-Mile Island USA, 1979 Chernobyl USSR, 1986 Fukushima Japan, 2011 Ionospheric effects of Ionospheric effects of radioactive pollution 1.Radioactive components – products of NPP disaster ionize atmospheric gases 2.Sharp ions production changes boundary layer conductivity 3.Changes of conductivity lead to local modification of the Global electric circuit parameters and change of ionosphere potential in relation to ground 4.Variations of ionospheric potential lead to variation of electron concentration over modified area Kakinami et al., 2011 Takeda, 2011 Ionospheric anomaly Over Three-Mile Island VLF propagation anomaly over Chernobyl before during after Ionospheric anomaly over Fukushima GPS dVTEC obtained from GEONET Explosions at Fukushima dfbEs average (JST) Kokubunji station, Japan, Feb-March, LAIC concept works in case of radioactive pollution; 2. Multi-parameter satellite monitoring of thermal and ionospheric variations - effective tool; 3. We have tested independent means for remote control of radioactive pollution. Navigation map for Southern Honshu and Fukushima-Daichi NPP (yellow house). 30km and 50km radius form FDNPS are shown with read and orange circles. M9.0 epicenter of March earthquake is shown with Red circles With white triangle is location of the Weather stations near Fukushima city. With blue flag is the location of site#33 of ground radiometer network outside of the 30 km area. Time series of daytime anomalous OLR observed from NOAA/AVHRR of March 14-March 31, 2011 over Honshu, Japan. Tectonic plate boundaries are indicated with red lines) and major faults by brown. The location of FDNPP is indicated by a black star. The maximum value for OLR been seen over FDNPP... Geo-space observation of thermal and ionospheric effects, March 11-31, 2011, Fukushima, Japan Takeda, 2011 Kakinami et al., 2011