Митюгина Татьяна Геннадьевна, учитель английского языка МБОУ - Кокинская СОШ Брянской области
Adolf Hitler approved the Barbarossa Plan – to defeat the USSR in a single operation. The German command planned to complete it in …
1. Adolf Hitler approved the Barbarossa Plan… a) in 1941 b) in 1939 c)in Three army groups were appointed to carry out the strike… a) Army Group North - ……………………………. b) Army Group Centre -…………………………… c) Army Group South - …………………………… 3. Preparations on the strike for the USSR were complete… a) in 1941 b) in 1939 c)in The operation planned to be completed… a) in three to four months b) in three to four years c) in three to four days to attack Leningrad to march through Moscow to take Ukraine Keys:
Pavlov’s House
Keys: fought turningbloodiest participantswas marked first most importantbeginninggreatly
DM&feature=related Listen to the song and do the tasks
Keys: 1.Try to remember the author of the poem - frontline correspondent - 2. Put the parts of the song in real order. Алексей Сурков – поэт, фронтовой корреспондент B D AC
fdqA8zSuWEY/TmpsSxlm0OI/AAAAAAAAAas/vpG9hBcoOkc/s400/9.jpg 593d0a49c051.JPEG Песня «In the Dugout» Песня «Священная война»