What Revolution are we living in? You are living in the Technology Revolution – actually been going on for several decades Who are the leaders of this Revolution Triumph of the Nerds - Who are these nerds –Steve Jobs, Bill Gates to name a few –Young and in their 20’s when they started. What part of the country was a major center for technology Silicon Valley San Jose, Mountain View, Palo Alto, Cupertino – Northern California area
Ages – We are living in the Information Age Information Age The challenge for your generation is how to navigate all the information – what is real and what is fake. What is biased verses fact. So much information we don’t know what to do with it. –What do you need to memorize if everything is at your fingertips. –Schools need to teach you how to quickly get to information that is accurate Global Information Age – World is shrinking Age of the Internet – Internet2 will continue this path.
source: Teach Yourself the Internet and World Wide Web 3 Facts About the Internet No one owns the Internet Each government, company, college and university on the Internet is responsible for maintaining its own network. When you transfer information over the Internet, these organizations allow the information to pass through their networks free of charge
source: Teach Yourself the Internet and World Wide Web 4 History – In 1957 the U.S.S.R launched Sputnik – the first artificial earth satellite This was during the time of President Eisenhower and he decided to pour money into scientific research to keep up with the new Soviet Union technical advances. ARPA (Advanced Research Projects Agency)
source: Teach Yourself the Internet and World Wide Web 5 History – How the Internet Started Created by combining the talents and ideas of many people ARPANET – In the 1960’s, the U.S. Defense Department created a network that linked military computers centers together. Part of the effort to ensure that if one section of the network was damaged, the remaining computers on the network would still function and communicate – and…….
source: Teach Yourself the Internet and World Wide Web 6 Connecting the Computers At the Pentagon they got tired of having many separate telephone lines to connect to each university that they were working with on projects.
source: Teach Yourself the Internet and World Wide Web 7 History – Public Access In the 80’s mainly scientists and researchers accessed the Internet, In the early 90’s companies offered access to anyone with a modem and a computer.
8 History – World Wide Web Created in the early 1990s by the European Laboratory for Particle Physics by Tim Berner- Lee Tim Berner-Lee was working at MIT at the time The goal of the World Wide Web was to allow researchers to work together on projects and to make project information easily available. First publicly accessible web site was created in 1991
9 History – Company Web Sites By the mid-1990s over 30 million people had access to the Internet. Companies began creating their own web sites to target this huge market. Congress passed a law that allowed commerce to take place on the Internet – That means people could now buy and sell on the internet.
source: Teach Yourself the Internet and World Wide Web 10 WWW World wide web is a part of the Internet. The web consists of a huge collection of documents stored on computers around the world. Created by Tim-Berners Lee in 1990 Tim came up with the first set of HTML tags and the standards are maintained by the WWW Consortium.
source: Teach Yourself the Internet and World Wide Web 11 URL – Uniform Resource Locator Each web page has a unique address called a URL You can instantly display any web page if you know the URL
source: Teach Yourself the Internet and World Wide Web 12 Browser Software for navigating the Web, retrieving document and other files, and displaying them on the user’s screen. First one was called Mosaic in 1993 and shortly thereafter became known as Netscape.
source: Teach Yourself the Internet and World Wide Web 13 Four Most Important Factors for Internet Growth – first killer application for the Internet Invention of the WWW – every document has an address – URL Browser – Everyday people could use a GUI (graphical user interface) to navigate the Web Allowing commerce on the Internet – prior to that law – only used for research. After businesses and customers could interact.
People to Know for Final Bill Gates and Paul Allen –Wrote the first popular applications for the personal computer –Bought and modified an operating system to be used for the IBM PC. –Eventually this made Microsoft’s founders very rich. 14
Apple – Co Founders Steve Jobs – the entrepreneur and idea man Steve Wozniak – the technical guru of the first Apple The Apple computer launched the PC Revolution 15
Computer Languages Grace Hopper wrote the first English-like computer language called COBOL. –Used for business applications –Commands such as move, add, subtract, print Prior to this programmers wrote in assembly language and was very tedious to say the least. 16
Fathers of the Internet Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn wrote the Internet language TCP/IP which allows the information to flow over the Internet – back in the early 1970s They won the Medal of Freedom Award from President Bush for the work on the Internet. It is said that the Internet is helping to spread democracy throughout the world. 17
Social Networking Social networking websites allow users to be part of a virtual community. The two most popular sites are currently Facebook and MySpace. FacebookMySpace provide users with simple tools to create a custom profile with text and pictures. 18
Twitter Twitter is an online service to share updates with other users by answering one simple question: "What are you doing?“ In order to use Twitter, sign up for a free account. Post your own updates and view the updates others have posted. You can search for people to follow or you can let Twitter select random users. Twitter limits each tweet to 140 characterscharacters 19
Cloud computing Cloud computing refers to applications and services offered over the Internet.applications These services are offered from data centers all over the world, which collectively are referred to as the "cloud." This metaphor represents the intangible, yet universal nature of the Internet. Social networks are an example of cloud computing 20
Netiquette Netiquette, or net etiquette, refers to etiquette on the Internet. Good netiquette involves respecting others' privacy not doing anything online that will annoy or frustrate other people. Three areas where good netiquette is highly stressed are , online chat, and newsgroups. 21
Computer Ethics Ethics is a set of moral principles that govern the behavior of a group or individual. Therefore, computer ethics is set of moral principles that regulate the use of computers. –Some common issues of computer ethics include intellectual property rights (such as copyrighted electronic content) –privacy concerns –how computers affect society 22
Digital Native vs. Digital Immigrant You are a digital native because the digital age existed in everyday life when you were born. I am older and we did not have digital devices when I was born. When I went to college – no vcr, computer, , no mobile phones. 23
Avatar an avatar is the embodiment of a person or idea. However, in the computer world, an avatar specifically refers to a character that represents an online user.online 24
Crowd Sourcing Crowd computing is an overarching term which defines the plethora of human interaction tools enablinghuman interaction –idea sharing, –non-hierarchical decision making –the full utilization of the world’s mind space. 25
Micro-Lending 26
Kiva.org 27
Cyberbullying 28