ABC Book of U.S. History Cody Koehn 4 th period
A Antifederalist- Individuals who opposed rattif, caution to the constitution. Adams, John-Was in the 2 nd congress Abolitionist- A person who is strongly against slavery.
B Boston Tea Party- 342 chest of tea was poured in the Boston Harbor Boston Massacre- 5 unarmed civilians were shot and killed Bill of rights-The 15 Amendments
C Cash crop- Farms sold for money. Constituents- people that members of congress represent Cotton gin- a machine that removed seed from cotton fiber.
D Diversity- variety of differences. Disarment- removal of weapons. Dissent- disagreement with or opposition to an opinion.
E Emancipate- free slaves Emport- to sell gods abroad. Effigy- rag future representing an unpopular individual.
F Famine- an extreme shortage of food. Frigate- warship Fugitive- runway or trying to runaway.
G Global warming- a steady increase in average world temp. Genocide- deliberate destruction of a racial political, or cultural group Guerilla tatics- referring to surprise.
I Import- to buy goods from foreign markets. Internet- a worldwide linking of cpu. Iron clade- armored navel vessel.
J Joint occupation- a posetion and settling of an area shared by one or more country. Judicial review- The right of the supreme court to determine if a law violates the constitution Judicial branch- branch of gov. including the federal court system, that interests the nations laws
K Kansas Nebraska act- it created the areas of Kansas and Nebraska it let people vote Kansas- bleeding Kansas King Henry viii- King of England
L Land slide- an overwhelming victory Literacy- the ability to read and write Lynching- putting a person to death a person by illegal actions of mob
M Maize- an early form of corn grown by native Americans Manumission- the freeing of some enslaved person Majority- more than half
N Naturalization- to grant full citizenship to a foreigner Neutrality- a position of not taking sides in a conflict Noniportation- the act of not importing or using certain goods