SCHEDULE Registration Restrictions for Sections Click on the Notes tab for captions!
Type in SSARRES in the Go To… box. Hit Enter.
Schedule Restrictions form 2. Click Next Block. 1. Enter Term and CRN or search for them by using the drop down arrows next to the fields.
Department Restriction – Do not use 1. Do not restrict a section by department.
Field of Study Restriction 1. Click Include/Exclude as applicable. 2. Click the Type field drop down arrow. 3. Select as appropriate. 4. Click OK.
Field of Study Restriction 1. Click to Code field and click drop down arrow. 2. Select as appropriate. 3. Click OK. 4. Click Save.
Class Restriction Click Class and Level tab.
Class Restriction 1. Click Include/Exclude as applicable. 2. Click to Class field and click drop down arrow. 3. Select as appropriate. 4. Click OK. 5. Click Save.
Degree Restriction 1. Click Include/Exclude as applicable. 2. Click to Degree field and click drop down arrow. 3. Select as appropriate. 4. Click OK. 5. Click Save.
Program Restriction 1. Click Include/Exclude as applicable. 2. Click to Program field and click drop down arrow. 3. Select as appropriate. 4. Click OK. 5. Click Save. On the Degree and Program tab.
College Restriction Click to Campus and College tab.
College Restriction 1. Click Include/Exclude as applicable. 2. Click to College field and click drop down arrow. 3. Select as appropriate. 4. Click OK. 5. Click Save.
Student Attribute Restriction Click to Student Attribute and Cohort tab.
Student Attribute Restriction – Only used to restrict section to Calhoun Honors students 1. Click Include/Exclude as applicable. 2. Click to Attribute field and click drop down arrow. 3. Select as appropriate. 4. Click OK. 5. Click Save.
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Quiz Please complete our quiz to make sure you are familiar with the steps of applying registration restrictions to a section. Click Play or Next button on Playbar to start the quiz
You must set all registration restrictions on the following form: A)SSASECT B)SSAXLST C)SSARRES D)SSASECQ Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You answered this correctly! Your answer: The correct answer is: You did not answer this question completely You must answer the question before continuing SubmitClear
Choose "Include" if you wish to allow that group of students to register for the section. A)True B)False Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You answered this correctly! Your answer: The correct answer is: You did not answer this question completely You must answer the question before continuing SubmitClear
You must click SAVE after every registration restriction entered. A)True B)False Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You answered this correctly! Your answer: The correct answer is: You did not answer this question completely You must answer the question before continuing SubmitClear
Do not restrict sections to which of the following? A)Department B)Field of Study C)Class D)Degree E)Program Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You answered this correctly! Your answer: The correct answer is: You did not answer this question completely You must answer the question before continuing SubmitClear
The method of setting registration restrictions is the same for all types of restrictions. A)True B)False Correct - Click anywhere to continue Incorrect - Click anywhere to continue You answered this correctly! Your answer: The correct answer is: You did not answer this question completely You must answer the question before continuing SubmitClear
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