Our new portfolio! Linx2Record.
Learner Data integration across systems
Learner registration Linx2Online
Learner registration Linx2Online Linx2Achieve Learner details (name, number, college, qualification information) Learner profile able to sit unit tests
Learner registration Linx2Online Learner details (name, number, college, qualification information) Learner profile able to sit unit tests Learner details (name, number, college, qualification information) Learner profile and portfolio Linx2Achieve Linx2Record
Some sample screens...
Learner gets profile and portfolio Link to screenshot from portfolio (displaying mandatory and all other options – note QCF credit values etc) Learner Home page
Learner gets profile and portfolio Link to screenshot from portfolio (displaying mandatroy and all other options – note QCF credit values etc) Personalised to each learner
Learner gets profile and portfolio Link to screenshot from portfolio (displaying mandatroy and all other options – note QCF credit values etc) Identifies the qualification within the portfolio
ROC (rules of combination) calculator shows credits needed/achieved
Qualification unit detail
ROC validation
Using e-testing with the portfolio
Learner registration Linx2Online Learner details (name, number, college, qualification information) Learner profile able to sit unit tests Learner details (name, number, college, qualification information) Learner profile and portfolio Linx2Achieve Linx2Record Result passed on to portfolio E-testing links direct to learner portfolio
RegistrationE-Portfolio E-TestingResultsCertification Its all joined together!!!
Benefits & Advantages QCF credit value and ROC administration in Linx2Record Single registration into Linx2Online Off-site assessor, IV, EV functionality Distributed authoring and college delegation Huge cost & efficiency savings
The beginning....