MYP Humanities Week 3 9/14/09-9/18/09
Monday, September 14, 2009 Objectives: Students will be able to review IB Learner profile, Multiple Intelligences, and the History of Psychology. Opener: Explain both psychoanalysis and behaviorism. How are they similar? How are they different? Activities: 1) Complete Opener. Review Opener. 2) Review for test tomorrow. Homework -- Prepare your folder to be turned in tomorrow: the two notes and questions (keep the actual readings) that you did for homework last week, your openers from Thursday, Friday and today, and your glossary.
Read the profile. Answer the Questions. Tyson: Tyson is a freshman student at Baltimore City College High School. He likes to listen to music and studies on his way to school and pretty much keeps to himself. He has a few close friends, but prefers to study on his own and not to get involved in the foolish arguments and fights that other kids at school get dragged into. His favorite classes are biology and Algebra I. The teacher is so organized and lectures with precise powerpoints that have very few words but a lot of images. These images help him remember the information effectively. Tyson sometimes gets frustrated because he doesn’t understand what is happening in his other classes, but he’s too intimidated to ask questions or even go to coach class. He also gets really annoyed by his choir teacher because Mr. Ahunji has an accent and Tyson can’t understand him sometimes. He doesn’t understand how Mr. Ahunji became a teacher and is particularly frustrated because Tyson doesn’t think that Mr. Ahunji can really understand the hip hop music that Tyson really loves. What IB Learner Profile characteristics are strengths for this person? (identify two and provide evidence as to why you think this is the case) On what IB Learner Profile characteristics does this person need to work? (identify two and provide evidence for why you think this is the case?) Which of Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences are strengths for this person? (identify all that you think apply and why you think this is the case?) Do you think that he or she would score well on a standard IQ test like the Wonderlic test? Why or why not?
What have we done so far? Talked about what kind of a learner we want to be. (IB Learner Profile) Talked about what kind of a learner we are (Multiple Intelligences). Talked about the nature of intelligence (the debate over IQ and intelligence testing). Talked about what psychology is. Talked about the history of psychology and the ways in which people have studied human behavior has developed (structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviorism).
Identify the Psychological “School of Thought” that would most associate with each statement (structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviorism). 1) Every part of your personality was developed by the age of 5. It is dependent on your psycho- social-sexual development. If you don’t develop normally in a stage, you get “stuck.” 2) You react to stimuli – both positive and negative. 3) Introspection is the key – break down your understanding of your consciousness by examining each detail using your 5 senses and recalling your emotions. 4) We need to see how our behavior helps us survive.
Identify the Psychological “School of Thought” that would most associate with each statement (structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviorism). 5) I trained my dog to get hungry at the sound of the whistle. 6) Your dreams and “slips of the tongue” are windows on the unconscious. 7) How does that piece of candy taste as you feel it penetrate the different taste buds on your tongue? 8) Why do you not eat foods that make you sick?
Identify the Psychological “School of Thought” that would most associate with each statement (structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviorism). 9) Your ego and superego compete with your id to determine human behavior. 10) Human behavior is observable and we need to study it closely. 11) Human behavior needs to be broken down to be examined accurately into its smallest parts of consciousness. 12) You do your homework because you want the reward of the grade and/or you fear the punishment of failing the class.