Leading at All Levels to Support MDC Implementation
District coach (Kelly) (Kelly) SREB consultant & coach (Leslie) State MDC specialist (Renee’) State effectiveness coach (Carol) School level administrators Defined teacher leaders
Time out What initiative is important for your district? Who are the role groups that can provide support within the school, the district, & outside the district?
Strategy #1 Enhance communication and collaboration by... aligning initiatives.
Instructional Transformation MDC KY Middle Grades Schools of Innovation
History = MDC + Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES) = Success for Students MDC Processes Shifts in Mathematics Instruction Formative Assessment Strategies Year 1 Quality Questioning Feedback for students and teachers Reflection on Instructional shifts Year 2 Formative Assessment Strategies Relating MDC to classroom practices Instructional Transformation Year 3
District Wide Impact MDC 10 Middle Schools 36 Teachers coached on strategies Implementation of a minimum of 4 FALs in at least one class 30 students per class on average Over 4,000 students impacted by new strategies Instructional Transformation 5 Middle Schools involved 28 Teachers Implemented 1 FAL minimum in one class 30 students per class on average Over 800 students impacted
Strategy #2 Enhance communication and collaboration by... talking, planning, & learning together to keep a common focus.
Strategy #3 Enhance communication and collaboration by... providing intentional support between trainings.
MDC Training and Support Structure PLC Planning Classroom Visits Feedback Reflection Training
Strategy #4 Enhance communication and collaboration by... collecting & sharing the right data.
Formative Assessment Results Shifts in Practice Benchmark Assessments PLC Development District Wide Collaboration
Strategy #5 Enhance communication and collaboration by... engaging school & district leadership.
Strategy #6 Enhance communication and collaboration by... building teacher leadership capacity.
What’s next for us?
Next Steps How do we know the strategies are working? Data Collection Surveys Building Capacity Through PLCs In school PLC development District Leadership Team Expanding School Involvement Cohort A Cohort B
Time out: Talk Time Share your notes and thoughts. What might be a next step for you?