QUALITY ASSURANCE IN ROMANIAN TVET Project financed under Phare EUROPEAN UNION MERI/ NCDTVET - PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO RO2006/
Initiatives at national level Legal provisions LAW no 87/2006 on approving the Government Expeditious Ordinance no 75/2005 on quality assurance in education, laying down the principles of quality assurance in education in Romania, at national level; Ordinance of Minister of Education, Research and Youth 6308/ on the approval of quality assurance instruments in technical and vocational education (TVET) schools Project financed under Phare EUROPEAN UNION MERI/ NCDTVET - PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO RO2006/
Elements supporting quality assurance in TVET Vocational training standards: competence-based validated by the social partners represented in the Sectoral Committees Examinations for certification of professional competences: semi-outsourced – employers’ participation to certification examinations; monitored qualitatively – involvement of quality monitors Project financed under Phare EUROPEAN UNION MERI/ NCDTVET - PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO RO2006/
NQAF – National Quality Assurance Framework in TVET based on the CQAF; structured according to 7 quality assurance principles: 1. Quality Management 2. Management responsibilities 3. Resource management 4. Design, development and revision of learning programmes 5. Teaching, practical training and learning 6. Assessment and certification of learning 8. Quality appraisal and improvement For each quality principle there is a different number of performance descriptors Project financed under Phare EUROPEAN UNION MERI/ NCDTVET - PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO RO2006/
Role of National Quality Assurance Framework in TVET In the general framework of pre-university education, the technical and vocational education has its specificity as it provides both academic education and initial vocational training. This specificity involves certain particular requirements in quality assurance, which are detailed in the National Quality Assurance Framework in TVET, to support European recognition of professional competence certificates Project financed under Phare EUROPEAN UNION MERI/ NCDTVET - PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO RO2006/
At school level Annual quality cycle – internal activities self-assessment: Planning: considering regional and local priorities, TVET schools develop the School Action Plan (SAP) (strategic plan for an annual operational plans); Implementation of planned actions; Performance evaluation and drafting the self-assessment report; Determining necessary changes and development of improvement plan (used for updating the SAP) internal monitoring: checks whether the actions are implemented according to planning; allows for immediate identification of difficulties and their solving Project financed under Phare EUROPEAN UNION MERI/ NCDTVET - PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO RO2006/
At school level Annual quality cycle – internal activities external monitoring visit : undertaken mid-annual quality cycle, to guide and support schools in the self-assessment process, under the coordination of CSI / BMSI Validation of self-assessment process report : for an independent, external and objective evaluation of the quality of the educational provision and of the efficiency of resource management, performed by means of inspections, under the coordination of CSI / BMSI Project financed under Phare EUROPEAN UNION MERI/ NCDTVET - PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO RO2006/
REVISION AND IMPROVEMENT OF NQAF IN TVET NQAF in TVET was improved based on the feedback received from TVET schools and CSI / BMSC and on new developments at national and European level The number of performance descriptors was reduced; A new table for correlating the performance descriptors in NQAF in TVET with the performance indicators in the Reference Standards was developed; The table for correlating the quality principles of NQAF in TVET with the CQAF model was updated and the correlation with QA standards in higher education (HE) in the EHEA was added Project financed under Phare EUROPEAN UNION MERI/ NCDTVET - PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO RO2006/
SELF-ASSESSMENT MANUAL (Annex 1 to OMECT no 6308 /2008) Section 1Introduction Section 2Background Section 3 Quality principles Section 4TVET schools performance evaluation Section 5 Self-assessment process Section 6Annexes Section 7Forms - Checklist for preparing the self-assessment process - Lesson Observation Sheet - Internal Monitoring Form - Self-assessment Process Report - Internal Quality Evaluation Report (ARACIP) - TVET Quality Improvement Plan Project financed under Phare EUROPEAN UNION MERI/ NCDTVET - PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO RO2006/
INSPECTION MANUAL FOR EXTERNAL QUALITY MONITORING (Annex 1 to OMECT no 6308 /2008) Section 1Introduction Section 2Background Section 3 Quality principles Section 4TVET schools performance evaluation Section 5 Inspection for external quality monitoring in TVET schools Section 6Annexes Section 7Forms - Lesson Observation Sheet - External Monitoring Visit Report - Report on the Inspection for the Validation of the Self-assessment Report Project financed under Phare EUROPEAN UNION MERI/ NCDTVET - PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO RO2006/
Agenda for implementation of quality assurance instruments at TVET schools level (Annex 3 to OMECT 6308/2008) Internal monitoring every 3 months, starting with and submission of internal monitoring form to CSI/ BMSC (15.12, 15.03, 15.06) External monitoring of the self-assessment process (1.02 – 1.04) Drafting the self-assessment report and its submission to CSI/ BMSC and NCTVETD (1.10) Performing inspection visits for external validation of the self-assessment process (1.10 – 1.12) Submission of inspection report for external validation (15.12) Project financed under Phare EUROPEAN UNION MERI/ NCDTVET - PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO RO2006/
Quality Assurance in TVET: challenges for the forthcoming period - 1 Improvement of cooperation for quality assurance between: TVET schools, în within the inter-assistance networks TVET schools within the same field Pre-university schools Schools and higher education institutions (including peer learning and peer review activities) Improvement of dissemination of good practice at local, regional, national and European level Supporting the main actors (members of the Quality Assurance and Evaluation Commission, representatives of CSI, of social partners etc.) through training activities Project financed under Phare EUROPEAN UNION MERI/ NCDTVET - PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO RO2006/
Quality Assurance in TVET: challenges for the forthcoming period - 2 Implementation of mechanisms to allow collecting the necessary information for the European quality indicators (e.g. for indicator 5: placement rate; destination of learners at 6, 12, 36 months after completion of training programme and for indicator 6 – satisfaction rate: utilisation of acquired skills at the workplace, both from the learner’s and from the employer’s perspective) Creating a database, at county and national level, with information on the European quality indicators Project financed under Phare EUROPEAN UNION MERI/ NCDTVET - PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO RO2006/
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Additional information: Tel: Fax: Project financed under Phare EUROPEAN UNION MERI/ NCDTVET - PIU Material produced under Phare 2006 financial support Phare TVET RO RO2006/