E-Science and Technology Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research.


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Presentation transcript:

e-Science and Technology Infrastructure for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research

Biodiversity Species (organisms and their populations) >10 7 species; species with 10 2 to individuals Genes and DNA 10 6 to 10 9 nucleotides in a DNA molecule Ecosystems habitats with 10 4 to 10 6 species, and manyfold interactions

X 1000 Estimated number of species ? Mostly insects

The big questions in biodiversity research Scale Ecosystems Species DNA, proteins and genes Time and evolution

? What are the impacts of changes in climate, pollution and land/sea-use on biodiversity How do changes affect the provision of ecosystem services Can we adapt to environmental change Where are the thresholds in ecosystem structures and functions How to manage multi-functional land/sea-scapes Which actions to ensure long-term sustainability

The biodiversity system is complex and cannot be described by the simple sum of its components and relations Experimentation on a few parameters is not enough: Limitations to scaling up results for understanding system properties LifeWatch adds a new technology to support the generation and analysis of large-scale data-sets on the biodiversity system. Find patterns and learn processes.

This defines an infrastructure with distributed observatories/sensors, interoperable databases, computational capability, and computational capacity. A single portal for researchers, policy makers, industries and public at large Find data and model to analyse statistical relationships Accelerate data capture with new technologies Structure the scientific community with new opportunities for large-scale projects

LifeWatch: an Analytical Platform supports research on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning from the gene up to the landscape level drives frontier science through fast and new technologies combines science and policy perspectives

Year 2013 Increasing worries about the effects of climate change on the invasion of pest insects. A researcher has an innovative plan to model the possible effects on food crops. This requires data sets from all over Eurasia and lots of computational capacity. Year 2014 Our researcher builds a LifeWatch virtual work space and attracts dozens of collaborators inventing additional functions. Data providers also jump in. Year 2015 Donors are starting a campaign for a funding programme. The researcher receives an important prize.

Genes Species Ecosystems Observatories Interoperability Analysis & modelling datafunctions Crucial resources

Architecture Resources E-Infrastructure Composition Users Collaboration Common Exploratory Environment Collaborative Virtual Organisations Data measurements, observations & sensors other infrastructures Statistical software Distributed computing power Analysis and processing Integration of resources Documented, shared workflows Grid computation Semantic metadata framework and workflow development

E-Infrastructure Composition Users Resources The LifeWatch research infrastructure

LifeWatch and GBIF: serving each other Resources E-Infrastructure Composition Users GBIF GBIF provides access to data (web services) LifeWatch supports its users to share their data through GBIF

Data access & interoperability Analytical tools Models Applications Data / resource providers LifeWatch Highway for analyses and use GBIF Data sharing on species, specimens and observations

Some examples of data, modelling and analysis capabilities Thematic Services Phylogenomics & Biogeography Taxonomy & Systematics Species Richness & Ecosystem Services Biodiversity Valuation Species Distribution Dynamics Genes-Species-Specimens (multi-scale linkages) Citizen Science & Observations Base Services General Services Geospatial Services Computational Resources Portal Server(s) Services and Tools Catalogue Provenance/citation repository Annotations repository Semantic Mediation Framework Operations Services Virtual Collaborative Environments Workflow management

Benefits and user groups Basic research Molecular biology Population biology Systematics Ecosystem research Systems biology Computation Economy Basic research Molecular biology Population biology Systematics Ecosystem research Systems biology Computation Economy Applied sciences Nature conservation & management Agriculture Fisheries Epidemiology Pharmacy Biotechnology Applied sciences Nature conservation & management Agriculture Fisheries Epidemiology Pharmacy Biotechnology Other communities EEA, Ministries and national agencies Engineering comp. Oil & mining industry Insurance Military Information Tech Other communities EEA, Ministries and national agencies Engineering comp. Oil & mining industry Insurance Military Information Tech

LifeWatch as a distributed research infrastructure Distributed entities “owned” by LifeWatch Distributed independent entities, but crucial for LifeWatch operations

Data networks LifeWatch Applications Analysis/ Modelling Data integration Data management Data generation (digitizing; sampling; sensoring Collection and observation networks Collection and observation networks LTER network and marine stations

Some partners in the ‘infrastructure grid’

initial decision final decision logistics construction The assumed Life Watch life cycle Earlier projectsConceptionPreparationsConstruction Operation & Evolution Political commitment Construction ‘blue print’ Critical !

Preparatory Phase Construction Phase Activities Time Preferred phase transition

Coord. Management Coord. Management Publicity & PR Publicity & PR Strategy Legal organisation Legal organisation Financial plan Financial plan Construction policy Construction policy Service plan Service plan Risk & Quality Control Preparatory project The Life Watch Preparatory Phase A Policy & Science Board oversees the project Countries Networks of Excellence

Countries Data networks User sectors Partnership in the preparatory project Scientific networks Executive participants Industry International infrastructures Contracted participants Other partners Status as per November countries: letter of support for the preparations Up to now, 11 countries selected LifeWatch for their national Road Map 7 of these will start consultations and negotiations Also interest from other continents

GovernanceProject Submission of ERIC Statutes Stakeholders Board meets Go/no-go for the Construction Master Plan in the public Critical mass to start early Constructions Early start of start-up organisation for the Construction Phase EC approves the Statutes End of the Preparatory Project Signatory event with Ministers 1st meeting Governing Board New LifeWatch organisation in place Additional countries join the LifeWatch ERIC 1st Operational services Target time line

Thank you