Project-X 3.0 Quality Criteria
QA Criteria Milestones Ø System Integration Complete (September) ùReady to start building production servers. Ø Project-X QA Complete (November) ùQA accepts the software Ø Franchise GA(late-November) ùReady for shipment to external customer
System Integration Complete Criteria Ø Code complete Ø Integration tests complete Ø Application integration and interoperability testing complete Ø No backlog of bugs ùNo OPEN bugs over 3 days old Ø System running in staging environment
System Integration Complete QA assessment of progress against criteria Goal = 0 Percent complete
Project-X QA Complete Criteria Ø QA testing completed Ø Staging and Testing community testing complete Ø All bugs closed (Fixed or Postponed) Ø No Priority 1 or Priority 2 bugs in system Ø Final documentation reviewed and approved Ø Software ready for mass production and packaging
Project-X Franchise GA Criteria Ø Final media verified ùDocumentation ùSoftware media (i.e. CDs) ùPackaging Ø System put into production Ø Marketing and sales collateral ready Ø Training materials are ready Ø Prof Serv, Customer Support, Deployment enabled
Staging and Testing Community Lab Ø Create a model of the “real world” in lab environment Ø Enable end-to-end tests with all products Ø Integrate 3rd party products and connectivity, such as suppliers, for testing and certification. Ø Provide a realistic environment to test all software, patches and configurations before rolling them into production. Ø Now building this lab for current products
Staging and Trading Community Testing Ø Build the staging and trading community lab Ø Execute planned end-to-end testing of all products that will interact with system Ø Test both software and operational procedures Ø Verify documentation and deployment processes Ø Test and certify all initial external integrations Ø Dry-run “power-on” for live 3.0 service
QA Progress Ø Functional testing in process. Expect to complete in September. Ø Now tracking Bug Metrics Ø Now tracking Test Metrics
Quality Assurance Metrics Bug Metrics - Week 33
Quality Assurance Metrics Test Metrics - Week 33 Major Categories of Testing and QA Tasks