Cristina Madrigal 7 th Grade Science Teacher Department of Mathematics and Science
AGENDA AM Benchmark Analysis (QSBA Data) Infusion of LAFS and MAFS Instructional Strategies FCAT Achievement Level Descriptions (Learning Goals) PM Reflecting on the Curriculum Pre-planning with the Pacing Guide Development of Individual Lesson Plans Department of Mathematics and Science
NORMS Lift expectations Everyone is a learner Ask questions and actively participate Reserve judgment Network responsibly Department of Mathematics and Science
Name Tents Write your name School Grade Level Department of Mathematics and Science
General information Mathematics and Language Arts Florida Standards benchmarks aligned in District Pacing Guides Achievement Level Descriptors for FCAT 2.0 Science Next Generation Science Standards – Final version released NAEP 2012 – students have problems with providing evidence and reasoning for claims Insights: Benchmark instruction with fidelity and rigor + Students exposed to application of concepts (inquiry, assessments) = Success Department of Mathematics and Science
Session Outcomes Participants will be able to: – Incorporate M-DCPS instructional resources to support science teaching and learning – Identify how M-DCPS integrates Mathematics and Language Arts Florida Standards for effective science teaching and learning – Plan for rigorous instruction using 5E Model Department of Mathematics and Science
Benchmark Analysis Nature of Science Energy flow in Ecosystems and Limiting Factors
Today’s Benchmarks SC.7.L.17.1 Explain and illustrate the roles of and relationships among producers, consumers, and decomposers in the process of energy transfer in a food web. (Assessed as SC.7.L.17.2) SC.7.L.17.3 Describe and investigate various limiting factors in the local ecosystem and their impact on native populations, including food, shelter, water, space, disease, parasitism, predation, and nesting sites. (Assessed as SC.7.L.17.2) SC.7.L.17.2 Compare and contrast the relationships among organisms, such as mutualism, predation, parasitism, competition, and commensalism. Department of Mathematics and Science
NSTA Formative Assessment Probe Page Keeley Available through the Learning Village Department of Mathematics and Science Benchmark SC.7.L.17.1 Explain and illustrate the roles of and relationships among producers, consumers, and decomposers in the process of energy transfer in a food web.
Oh Deer! A Limiting Factors Exploration Department of Mathematics and Science
ExploreLearning GIZMO Department of Mathematics and Science
Conclusion Writing Claim-Evidence-Reasoning Students should support their own written claims with appropriate justification. Science education should help prepare students for this complex inquiry practice where students seek and provide evidence and reasons for ideas or claims (Driver, Newton and Osborne, 2000). Department of Mathematics and Science
Curriculum and Instruction
How does resource availability affect the population of a species in an ecosystem? Claim – Evidence- Reasoning – Department of Mathematics and Science
Identify and indicate the effectiveness of the… Engage Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate Department of Mathematics and Science
What FCAT Level Would We Be? A look at Achievement Level Descriptions (Progression scales for Learning Goals) Department of Mathematics and Science
SC.7.L.17.1 Assessed as SC.7.L.17.2: Explain and illustrate the roles of and relationships among producers, consumers, and decomposers in the process of energy transfer in a food web. (Level 3: Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning) Scale Learning Progression Sample Progress Monitoring and Assessment Activities Score/Step 5.0 I am able to analyze food webs to determine if they correctly illustrate the roles, relationships, and transfer of energy among organisms. Explain and illustrate the relationships among decomposers, producers and consumers including herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores, in the process of energy transfer in an ecosystem including food webs and food chains Score/Step 4.0 I am able to relate the roles and relationships of organisms in a food web. GIZMOS: Food ChainFood Chain Design a food web and identify the roles and relationships among the organisms. Explain why the relationships are necessary. Score/Step 3.0 Target (Learning Goal) I am able to infer the roles and relationships of organisms in a food web. BBC: Food Chains Interactive & Test; Food PyramidsFood Chains Interactive TestFood Pyramids Identify the roles and relationships among organisms in a food web in your backyard or school grounds. Score/Step 2.0 I am able to trace the flow of energy in a food chain. Analyze several food chains and explain what happens to energy as it flows through the food chain. Score/Step 1.0 I am able to identify producers and consumers in a food chain.
SC.7.L.17.3: Describe and investigate various limiting factors in the local ecosystem and their impact on native populations, including food, shelter, water, space, disease, parasitism, predation, and nesting sites. (Level 3: Strategic Thinking & Complex Reasoning) ScaleLearning ProgressionSample Progress Monitoring and Assessment Activities Score/Step 5.0 I am able to hypothesize the effects of limiting factors in an ecosystem. Research an ecosystem that has had an impact on its populations of organisms. Utilize real-world to discuss the limiting factors that affected the populations of organisms. Score/Step 4.0 I am able to analyze some of the effects of limiting factors in an ecosystem. Gizmo: Prairie Ecosystem Analyze the factors that affect the populations of grass, prairie dogs, ferrets and foxes in a prairie ecosystem. Investigate feeding relationships and determine the food chain. Score/Step 3.0 Target (Learning Goal) I am able to identify limiting factors in an ecosystem. Develop “limiting factors” scenario cards (example, all the trees tin a region have died) and have classmates infer three things that will happen as a result of the introduction of the limiting factor to a food web. Score/Step 2.0 I am able to identify factors that affect populations in an ecosystem. Identify and describe various limiting factors in an ecosystem and their impact on populations. Score/Step 1.0 I am able to define what an ecosystem is.
A FTERNOON S CHEDULE 12:45 pm Reflecting on the Curriculum 1: 30pm Pre-planning with the Pacing Guide 2:30pm Developing a 5E Lesson Department of Mathematics and Science
R EFLECTING ON THE C URRICULUM Strengths Areas for improvement Specific recommendation
S CIENCE D EPARTMENT W EBSITE O VERVIEW Department of Mathematics and Science
Effective Planning (with the end in mind) Implement a routine of inquiry based, hands-on activities relevant to the objectives of the topic. Develop Higher-Order Questioning Strategies using Explicit-Reflective instruction to enhance student thinking Facilitate, encourage, and expect Higher Order Thinking (HOT) from your students Encourage students to communicate verbally and in writing Department of Mathematics and Science G OOD S CIENCE I NSTRUCTION 22
G OOD S CIENCE I NSTRUCTION (C ONT ……) Discovering answers through systematic observations Asking questions about our surroundings Applying models to formulate solutions to questions Learning to make systematic observations in order to formulate answers to events that occur in our surrounding Department of Mathematics and Science
S UCCESSFUL S TRATEGIES TO U SE The 5 E’s HOT Questions (Web’s Depth of Knowledge) Inquiry Hands-On Activities/Labs Demonstrations Virtual Labs Notebooks Graphic Organizers Models & Visuals Cooperative Learning Think-Pair-Share Jigsaw Centers / Stations Internet / Video Differentiated Instruction strategies 24
A SSIGNMENT 5E lesson plan posted to Edmodo group Each teacher submit an assignment. Department of Mathematics and Science
Session Outcomes Participants will be able to: – Incorporate M-DCPS life science instructional resources to support science teaching and learning – Identify how M-DCPS integrates Mathematics and Language Arts Common Core Standards for effective science teaching and learning – Plan for rigorous instruction using 5E Model Department of Mathematics and Science
Slip Reflection 1. Today I learned ………………………. 2. Questions I still have………………. Department of Mathematics and Science
Science Department 28 Dr. Ava Rosales, Executive Director ElementaryMiddle SchoolHigh School Dr. Millard Lightburn Instructional Supervisor Ms. Yoly McCarthy Instructional Supervisor Mr. Sebastian Oddone Instructional Supervisor Ms. Mary Tweedy Curriculum Support Specialist Mr. Dane Jaber Curriculum Support Specialist Mr. Kirk Nieveen Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Keisha Kidd Curriculum Support Specialist Ms. Mildred Farber District Administrative Assistant Phone: Department of Mathematics and Science