Life Science
Life Science… deals with the structure and behavior of living organisms, their organization, life processes, and relationships to each other and their environment includes biology, medicine, anthropology, ecology,biochemistry, botany, cell biology, genetics, molecular biology, etc.
Life Science Topics Environmental Science Biomes Animals Plants Habitat Adaptations Animal Interactions Ecology The Human Body Health Body Systems Nutrition Genetics
Habitat – place where organism lives and obtains its energy Need to compete to get the most resources from your habitat Need to develop special characteristics or strategies to beat everyone else
Competition – struggle between organisms to survive in a habitat with limited resources Adaptation – behaviors and physical characteristics of organisms that allow them to survive in their environment
And the Winner is… Adaptations come from random mutations Animal doesn ’ t plan something, but a behavior or physical characteristic gives them an advantage over others E.g. Cheetah Natural Selection – process in which individuals that are better adapted to environment are more likely to survive and reproduce
Predation – interaction when one organism kills and eats another Predator – killer organism Prey – organism that is killed Predator adaptations: Cheetah – speed Jellyfish – stinging tentacles Pitcher plant – rotting smell Prey adaptations: Protective coverings Toxins Warning colors (red, orange) Camouflage – hide well Mimicry – look like something else False Coloring - eyespots
Food chain – series of events when one organism eats another and obtains energy