CS151: Digital Design Course Guide Sarab Al Muhaideb Prince Sultan University, College for Women
Outline zCourse Description zCourse Objectives zCourse Resources zCourse Calendar zInstructor Location & Office Hours zCourse Policies zMajor Exams & Final Exam zOverall Assessment zHow to Study for Course
Course Description zCS 151 : Introduction to Digital Design. zCredit Hours: 3. zPrerequisite: CS 101. zCourse Home Page: Visit to find course announcements, notes, important dates,assignments, grades and more.
What is this course about? zDigital design is concerned with the design of digital electronic circuits. zDigital circuits are employed in the design and construction of digital systems such as computers, data communication, digital recording, and many other applications. zThis course presents the basic tools for the design of digital circuits and provides the fundamental concepts used in the design of digital systems.
Why Study Digital Design? zWe live in the digital age. zComputers form an integral part of almost every aspect of our lives, they deserve study! zLearn basic concepts for designing digital hardware; the building block of digital systems.
Course Objectives zPresent the various binary systems suitable for representing information in digital systems. zIntroduce logic gates and basic concepts for designing gate circuits, Boolean algebra, Karnough maps and map simplification techniques. zCombinational circuit analysis and design. zSequential circuit concepts and design.
Textbook Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals By Morris Mano and Charles Kime 3 rd Edition Additional Reference: "Digital Design" by M. Mano, Prentice Hall, 2001.
Course Calendar zMajor I Exam: Monday November 5 th, 2007 [8:00-9:15]. zMajor II Exam: Monday December 10 th, 2007 [8:00-9:15]. zQuizzes: yQuiz 1: Wednesday September 26 th, yQuiz 2: Sunday October 28 th, yQuiz 3: Wednesday November 28 th, zFinal Exam: During period 21 January – 31 January 2008.
Instructor Location & Office Hours zMrs. Sarab Almuhaideb. yOffice: W357 yPhone: Ext.# 711 y zOffice Hours: SAT, MON10:00 – 10:50, TUES 12:00 – 12:50, (or by appointment)
Course Policies 1.Students must regularly come to class to participate in class activities and discussions. 2.If a student was absent in any lecture, then she is expected to read the lecture material and is welcomed for any specific question she may has. 3.There will be weekly tutorial problems.
zHomework assignments must be done individually. We do not expect to see two homework assignments that look identical. zHomeworks are due by the start of class on the listed due dates. zLate assignments will not be accepted for any reason. zThis course adopts the drop-the-lowest policy for assignments and quizzes. Course Policies (Assignments/Quizzes)
Major Exam (20%)/ Final Exam (35%) zEach Major Exam is worth 20%. Details will be announced in the course website. zNo Make-Exams. zFinal exam is worth 35%. The final exam will be cumulative.
Overall Assessment
How to Study for this Course zLectures: Attend, Listen and Participate. zTutorials: Prepare, Participate. zRead the chapter after the lecture. zTry to do most of the Review Questions in each chapter. zThink Critically – ask questions, make notes, and reflect on material.