Beverly D. Charlot 2014 SirsiDynix Northeast Users Group (SNRG) Conference June 10,
The library is in the fourth year of a small digitization project. This session will cover: ◦ The target goals, objectives and milestones; ◦ Why digitize; ◦ Materials selected; ◦ Staffing needs; ◦ Scanning equipment; ◦ Digital Repository storage; ◦ Lessons learned 2
Digitize materials no longer suited for the shelf ◦ Fragile / Damaged Inventory of library materials ◦ Materials published before 1923 ◦ Unique publications ◦ Rare materials Collection Analysis ◦ An assessment by library liaisons -- included Library of Congress and Federal Documents (subject specific) materials 3
Impact on student learning outcomes -- many are primary sources -- some are out of print books (no longer published) Provide access to materials no longer suited for the shelf Repurposing library space 4
Materials included in the original State College collection Materials unique to the university 5
Library of American Civilization (LAC) microform Library of English Literature (LEL) microform collection of literary works Fragile Federal Documents selected by subject liaisons Education Social Services Agriculture 6
Temporary staffing included in the grant ◦ 1 full time & 1 part time Digitized selected materials Cataloging and Metadata Student workers as assistants ◦ Digitized selected materials One volunteer student assistant ◦ Digitized selected materials 7
Evaluated scanning equipment before purchase Training was provided ALOS Z-Scan Microform Scanner Zeutschel book scanner 8
Investigated various digital library software 9
Issue – Cost Sustainability Solution – Collaborated with University IT and Library Technology Library Computer ServerDigital Collection Management Software Selected Purchased 10
William C. Jason Library Digital Collections Site 11
Student engagement (historical interest & educational knowledge) Amount of time needed to rescan or perform post-imaging work (cropping & color correction) Cost sustainability (data storage) Staffing 12
For attending this session 13