Lesson 4 Asteroids, Comets, and Meteoroids
Asteroids Asteroids are rocky objects. Smaller than a planet. Found between Mars and Jupiter Weak Gravity No atmosphere Lots of craters!
Comets A comet is a small, icy body in orbit around the Sun. Their orbits are highly elliptical. They travel to the Sun and well beyond Pluto. May have been leftovers from Solar System.
Parts of a comet Tail points away from the Sun. Coma point towards the Sun.
Comet Animation
Deep Impact On July 4, 2005, the Deep Impact spacecraft launched a small probe on a collision course with compete Temple-1. It recorded clear images of the compete. Even comets are covered with craters.
Halley’s Comet Halley’s Comet – period of 76 years. Last seen in Next viewing: 2062.
Kuiper Belt & Oort Cloud Short period comets come from the Kuiper Belt. Long period comets come from the Oort Cloud
Meteoroids Meteors travel though space. Meteoroids are solid, particles passing meteors that pass through Earth’s atmosphere. (Shooting Stars) Meteorites are meteoroids that hits Earth.