Limited Monarchy In England The Tudors & Stuarts
The House of Tudor ( ) Henry VII: killed Richard III in the War of the Roses (between Lancaster & York families) –Raised lots of money through taxes & tight spending –Kept England out of war –Sent John Cabot to explore N.America
Henry VIII –spent his father’s money on foreign wars –Parliament passed Act of Supremacy (separated Church of England from Catholic Church b/c he wanted a divorce) –6 wives (trying to have a male heir) Catherine of Aragon birthed him a daughter (Mary) before the divorce Anne Boleyn had a daughter (Elizabeth) before being beheaded Jane Seymour died after giving birth to a son (Edward) Anne of Cleves was childless; divorced her Catherine Howard was childless; executed Catherine Parr childless, but outlived the king who died at age 56
Edward VI (only son of Henry VIII) –Protestantism became the national religion (short reign) Mary I (eldest daughter of Henry VIII) –Tried to return England to the Catholic Church Persecuted those opposed to Catholicism; over 300 burned at the stake, including Protestant clergy Nicknamed “Bloody Mary” –Married Philip II of Spain (to end national rivalry), & plunged England into a disastrous war with France
Elizabeth I (youngest daughter of Henry VIII)— ”Good Queen Bess” –Ended war with France & restored money to English treasury –Mary, Queen of Scots (next in line for throne) plotted to kill Elizabeth; Elizabeth had Mary beheaded –Phillip II angered by Mary’s death, sent the Spanish Armada to punish England, but English ships defeated “Invincible Armada” (Spanish decline after this) –Golden Age/Renaissance peaked with William Shakespeare –Sent Sir Francis Drake & Sir Walter Raleigh in search of land & riches –Religious problems – Puritans wanted to rid church of all Catholic practices –Relations with Parliament – Parliament challenged royal power, but Elizabeth managed them skillfully
The House of Stuart ( ) James I –Son of Mary Queen of Scots, ruled England & Scotland –Strong supporter of Anglican Church, but persecuted Pilgrims (separatists) & Puritans (reformists)--they leave England for America to worship as they please –King James version of the Bible –Lacked economic & diplomatic skill, so he angered Parliament when he tried to establish an absolute monarchy (believed in divine right of kings)
Charles I –Disagreed with Parliament about taxes (was a big spender, & always needed more money) Petition of Right: Parliament had to approve tax increases/tried to protect civil rights of citizens Disagreements led to civil war –Charles ignored Petition of Right –Dismissed Parliament several times –Supporters of king (Cavaliers) v. supporters of Parliament (Roundheads) »Cavaliers = upper class, Anglicans, Catholics »Roundheads = Parliamentary army commanded by Oliver Cromwell, Puritans, merchants –Cromwell took control of government, had Charles I beheaded & ruled England for 9 years (Puritan = no drinking, dancing, gambling, etc.)
Charles II (son of Charles I) –Parliament asked him to become king upon Cromwell’s death James II: wanted to rule as absolute monarch –Wanted to return England to Roman Catholic Church –Glorious Revolution: bloodless revolution that made James II flee & gave Parliament power to establish control over the king & pass the English Bill of Rights Mary II & Anne (Protestant daughters of James II) –Mary II ruled with William of Orange (Dutch) –Anne reunited England & Scotland to form Great Britain