R.Giachino / M.Albert Be/op 12 th March 2012 LHC Machine check out 1v1.


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Presentation transcript:

R.Giachino / M.Albert Be/op 12 th March 2012 LHC Machine check out 1v1

Summary of week 10 Aims of the week – Finish HWC – Prepare machine for first beam LHC 8:30 meeting Machine checkout: R. Giachino, M.Albert and J. Wenninger Hardware Commissioning: M. Pojer, R. Schmidt and M. Solfaroli

LHC check-out Main targets of the week: – Finish HWC, – Close the beam interlock loop, – Test the beam dump, – Test the injection kickers, – Run the LHC through a full machine cycle, – Check the control system. LHC 8:30 meeting

Progress : HWC & checkout ● From Monday to Friday HWC and machine checkout activities had to be performed in parallel. – Priorities were defined every day for HWC and for checkout activities, the focus shifting from HWC to checkout along the week. – Collaboration HWC-machine checkout, was very smooth due to a better planning of the activities. LHC 8:30 meeting

Status of powering tests In total, 8185 tests steps (including preparations of powering tests) have been done Progressive availability of cryogenic conditions

Powering status ● Heat runs: – All sectors were tested ● Pre-cycles work well. ● Several full machine cycles were performed – Without hardware powering faults. – RQT13.L8B1 increased IPNO from 400 to 450(B*.6m) LHC 8:30 meeting

Machine cycle ● HWC was completed Wednesday afternoon when the machine was ‘handed’ over to beam operation. ● The same evening, the machine was pushed through the nominal proton cycle: – Pre-cycling of the magnets, – Injection, – Ramp, – Squeeze. LHC 8:30 meeting control issues were identified – have been fixed or will be fixed in the coming days.

LHC progress : beam interlock and kickers ● To close the beam interlock loop requires a number of conditions, the most difficult ones to achieve were: – LHC closed – no access (also experiments), – No powering failures, – Vacuum valves open, – BLM system operational. >> tough constraints given parallel HWC activities. ● The BIS loop was closed the first time Friday evening. ● Saturday late night both dump and injection kicker systems were pulsing. LHC 8:30 meeting

LHC progress: LBDS & MKI tests ● BETS fully tested at 450GeV and 4GeV. ● Injection inhibitions between LBDS and MKI are OK. ● TSU clients tested : – BIS – BETS – Internal failure (frev switch off) – LBDS trigger – Circulate & dump – Inject & dump -> functionality OK issue with XPOC (see below) ● TSU synchronisation. ● TSU IPOC thresholds have been adjusted. ● MKI synchronisation – checks with beam show a shift of the kick by +160ns w.r.t. beam (to be decided how to adjust it) ● Inject & dump – status is badly returned by one of the 2 CPLDs on the TSU (to be decided) 9

Controls ● Along the week the OP teams with support from numerous equipment groups tested applications, front-ends, LSA core etc.. LHC 8:30 meeting

● The Vacuum system was operational on Friday evening after a big effort in point 2&8. ● RF was ready to ramp for the week end. ● BI was extensively tested without beam. ● Collimators setting and calibration is finished. ● The cryogenic system, has been stable all along the HWC. ● EN/EL, EN/CV at nominal configuration. LHC 8:30 meeting

Injectors and transfer lines (1) ● PSB started up with beam 20 th February. – LHC-indiv Lhc50 LHC-probe LHC25 ● PS started up with beam 23 th February. – LHC-probe, LHC-indiv. – LHC50 12b setting up ● SPS started up with beam 25 th February. – SPS aligned, probe bunch ready to be extracted to the LHC. – LHC-Indiv, LHC-probe, LHC50 multibatch – Scrubbing LHC Bunches LHC 8:30 meeting

Injectors and transfer lines (2) ● Thursday probe bunches were extracted into the TT60 & TT40. ● Saturday afternoon beams were sent down the 3 km long TI2 and TI8 transfer lines to the downstream (LHC end) dumps. ● Saturday night stability checks were performed. LHC 8:30 meeting TI2 TI8

Open issues ● TI 2 Transfer line PC RBIV26407 tripped (to be checked) ● RQT13.L8B1 increased from IPNO from 400 to 450 (b*.6m) Done ok ● RCBV27R4B1 communication lost ● RCBXH1.L1 tripped (circuit super-locked) ● RQTL11.R1B2 problem on TT893 temperature sensor ● RD34.LR3 ramp-down settings are “out of limits” ● RQX.R2 QPS controller communication problem; oscillating ● RQTD/F circuits unable to load ramp/squeeze function (Fidel on Monday) ● RQF/RQD require higher commissioning current for high beta (50 A) ● Inject & dump status is badly returned by one of the 2 CPLDs on the TSU ● MKI synchronisation checks with beam show a shift of the kick by +160ns w.r.t. beam (to be decided how to adjust it RF) 14

Access ● Radiation veto after machine closed !!! ● Access system – PAD problem PM25 – Possible intervention Monday morning ● Alfa – Monday morning Point 1 ● BT – Access point 6 for TSU inject and Dump ● R2E – Monday morning TX76 1Hr ● X ray 2 & 8 – Monday afternoon point 8 – Tuesday morning point 2

Planning 16

Summary ● Situation of the machine: – The LHC magnet and powering system is fully commissioned and the machine is in a very good state – as demonstrated by the cycling of the machine. – RF need 2-4 hrs for fine tuning before beam. – LBDS & MKI minors adjustments before declaring operational. – Essential beam instrumentation and feedbacks tested. – fine tuning with beam. – Control system operational – smaller issues will be fixed in the coming days. ● First beam hopefully Tuesday afternoon! LHC 8:30 meeting

Saturday ● 09:00 Start LBDS tests ● 09:13 Starting ramp of RF and ADT. – stay at flat top with the RF to stress the cavities. ● 15:30 Beams down TI8 & TI2 ● Application Collimator Scan is tested and worked fine. 18

Last night ● 22:30 Alfa interlock. – Tests couldn’t be performed – Problems related to the movement of their XRPs there’s presumably a problem with their logic control; experts will check it this morning ● 22:50 Etienne finished the tests on MKI. – Now left to do the circulate and dump for both Beams. ● Circulate & DUMP B1&B2 (~50 shots each) ● Short access for ATLAS to verify the cooling system; They will need to intervene this morning to fix a problem they have identified (estimate: ~4h, to be scheduled) ● Ramp of PCs (except RQTD/F) ● Squeeze – without RQT13.L8B1 (out of limits error) and RQTD/F circuits 19

Last night ● RQX.R1, RTQX1.R1 and RTQX2.R1 tripped while executing RAMPDOWN[START] function – but no fault present (only PC_PERMIT went away) ● RD34.LR3 gives a "out of limit" when loading the ramp-down function ● ALICE requested some time for a cosmic.. ● Executed ramp of PCs (without RQTD/F & RCS/O/D) & RF 20

LBDS MKI tests ● BETS fully tested at 450GeV and 4GeV. Ramp was OK. – Error check during the ramp still to be done on Monday by Nicolas V. ● Injection inhibitions between LBDS and MKI are OK. – Response times are within specification ● TSU clients tested: – BIS -> OK – BETS -> OK – Internal failure (frev switch off) -> OK – LBDS trigger --> OK – Circulate & dump -> OK – Inject & dump -> functionnality OK issue with XPOC (see below) ● TSU synchronisation -> OK ● TSU IPOC thresholds have been adjusted All OK now ● MKI synchronisation checks with beam show a shift of the kick by +160ns w.r.t. beam (to be decided how to adjust it) ● Inject & dump status is badly returned by one of the 2 CPLDs on the TSU (to be decided) 21

LBDS tests ● BIS loop closed and arm beam dump- done ● Check injection inhibition from LBDS- done ● TSU tests for about 4 hours to test clients (BIS, BETS,…)- done ● Circulate and dump for TSU testing for about one hour. Done – Mask modules in XPOC which are not yet receiving data.- ● Check IQC- ok ● Synchronization of MKI with AGK without beam, loops closed.-Checked ● Beam down TL TI2 and TI8. Rough steering.- done ● TCDI machine protection tests done ● TCDI set-up tests.- chiara ● Direct interlock of LASS to LBDS-.>>> done ● LBDS energy tracking interlocks by trimming– only needs BETS armed, not BIS.- done ● Check BIS timestamps and redundancy of signals to LBDS (with CM, if time available)- Other tests from MP Web page. 22

Injection status ● Managed to pulse both kickers. – Need to check why only the TCDIs beam 1 are interlocking in parking and not beam. ● Problem with timing system: – hidden tables loaded in MTG. Cannot see them and cannot unload them, but they are played (injection, injection_BI). ● Inject & dump does not work currently. ● Circulate & dump is fine – (uses the hidden tables automatically). ● Running circulate & dump in a loop not possible – masking on XPOC not working anymore. (Roman). >>Done 23

MKI MPS tests ● MKI MPS tests – Toggling MKI status and checking input state on injection BIC, both beams - Verifying and adapting soft-start settings (normal and extended), both beams - adjusted operational limits around nominal value (entries 7 and 8) - changed voltage step size for extended settings (entry 14) ● Probed voltage limit for which MKIs not pulsing anymore (1 kV above nominal value, 1 kV below conditioning value), only for P8 done ● Loading kicker soft-start settings from TRIM and FESA, not possible to change without MCS role, possible with MCS role ● Changing critical settings in MKI application only possible with MCS role 24

MKI MPS tests ● Tried to do the energy tracking tests: changing LHC energy: SIS injection energy consistency check stopped us from trimming the RBs above the BETS limit of 0.96 GeV, need a workaround for the commissioning to still perform this test in the next days - changing MKI voltage: within operational limits the kickers are pulsing, need to check with limits further open (MCS role needed) MKI tests not finished. ● MPS interlock tests for collimators TCDI, TDI, TCLI and TCDD in P2 done 25

Injection status ● IQC all data collection is fine, but the soft-start buffer is pushed to PM too early before it is updated after the pulse. – -> The IQC does not find it having pulsed. Done. ● OASIS for MKI signals still needs follow up next week. Currently not fully operational. Done 26

Summary TSU test (both beams) ● Check TSU clients: - BIS triggering --> OK - BETS triggering --> OK - Internal failure triggering --> OK - LBDS slow control triggering --> OK - Inject and dump triggering --> Works fine but bad status acquisition from CPLD2 (XPOC error) - Circulate and dump --> OK ● Issues to be followed: - Inject and dump detection (TSU card CPLD2) - Spurious bad XPOC analysis on TSU (missing dump request detection, XPOC event builder synchronisation) ALL dumps properly synchronised... ● Thresholds adjusted for TSU-IPOC analysis: - re-trigger detection decreased to 199us - DBRF length detection adjusted to 1us - BRF length detection adjusted to 0.9us - BAGK length reduced to 10.9us 27

ABT Software ● ABT and BI had to adapt many FESA devices in a manner to have their PM buffers properly saved into PM data store for IQC and XPOC analysis. ● Impacted systems are:- – MKI/BETS- MKI/IPOC- LBDS/TSU- BTVDD – Now everything is fine for both IQC and XPOC. – We only miss Vacuum data for XPOC, so we had to mask the VAC module temporarily. – It seems that work is ongoing on TE/VSC side to find a solution to the problem. 28

Safe Machine Parameters System 29