Definition: Any situation/event that overwhelms existing resources or ability to respond.
Definition of Disaster: External Multi patient incident event resulting in fewer than 10 in fewer than 10 casualties casualties Multi casualty incident results in 100 or fewer casualties, strains facilities Mass casualty incident results in more than 100 casualties, overwhelms existing facilities
Definition of Disaster: Internal Any situation that results in the health care facility becoming partially or totally inoperable
Assessment: 1. Loss of life 2. Physical injuries 3. Psychological trauma 4. Property damage 5. Environmental destruction 6. Economic/Business loss Disaster Response
Emergency Preparedness Plan Disaster command center Administrative operations center Medical operations center Nursing operations center
Personnel operations center OR operations center Security operations center ED operations center Emergency Preparedness Plan
Confirm disaster activation response ED operations center Assignments of on-duty supervisor Staff assignments Evacuation of patients from hospital Secure environment staffing considerations Communication Response
Disaster casualty patient coordination Triage (before and after arrival to hospital) Acuity assessment Disaster tags Registration log Treatment area All documentation on disaster packet Tracking with disaster tags Family Response continued
Stress reducers Assess staff during breaks or rounds Educate staff regarding delayed stress reaction Critical Incident Stress Debriefing. Stress Management
Support resources meeting demand Institutional needs assessment Critique—what worked, what needs improvement Deactivation of Disaster
Radiation exposure Chemical exposure Biological agents Viral agents Toxin agents Weapons of Mass Destruction
Depends on dose Symptoms- Nausea, vomiting, or bloody diarrhea within 3 hours Radiation safety officer Decontamination of all patients Safety of decontamination team Radiation
Industrial or terrorist Recognition of agent PPE Decontamination Specific agents Chemical
Occur naturally in environment Types of biological agents Bacteria: anthrax, plague Viruses: smallpox, ebola, Toxins: botulism, staphylococcal enterotoxin B, ricin Biological agents
Onset of signs and symptoms 7 – 10 days Quarantine Supportive therapy No approved antiviral medication Viral agents
Toxins Botulism Neurotoxin Ricin Blocks protein synthesis Onset 8-24 hours Staphylococcal enterotoxins Sudden onset of high fever, headache, & chills in aerosol exposures