Cultural Impacts on Healthcare and Insurance (Write the Culture you are Researching)
Health Influences (Write cultural influences; such as food choice, exercise, ect)
Healthcare Philosophy (What is the typical feelings towards healthcare and healthcare professionals? Do they believe in holistic healers? Are there certain types of doctors they can’t see for religious reasons? How sick do they have to be before going to see a doctor? Does age matter?)
Health Problems (What health problems are seen in this culture?)
Healthcare profresionals … (What should they be aware of? How can they best respect the culture? What conditions should they check for?)
Affordable Healthcare Considerations (Does it cover cultural considerations? What about the holistic healers? What about alternative medicines? What if you can’t see a certain doctor because of religious reasons? What if you need homecare because your culture won’t allow you to stay in the hospital?)
Health Insurance in the “Home Country” (What is Insurance like in the “home country” for that culture? How does it compare to ours?)