- the Society at Large. An Example of Co-operative Service Development UNECE/Work Session on Communication of Statistics Geneva, Switzerland, June 2012 Heli Mikkelä, Statistics Finland Background Status quo Some tehnical details Further ahead
- the place to find up-to-date information on: demographic developments in Finland international crisis management public expenditure obesity among Finns income differences fish catches Statistics Finland/HMik, 19 June 2012
Findicator was set up in response to a need To promote evidence based decision-making Indicators applied in follow-up to Government Programme in 2003/2007 Finland participates in the OECD Global Project, "Measuring the Progress of Societies" Preparation initiated by PM’s Office in 2007 Preliminary study on need for indicator service and qualities of a smoothly functioning service Drafting started in autumn 2008 as joint project between Statistics Finland and the PM’s Office Statistics Finland/HMik, 19 June 2012
”Information does not meet the user needs” Users wanted numbers metadata detailed information about upcoming updates ready-to-use graphics links to further information Statistics Finland/HMik, 19 June 2012
Findicator was published October visitors and downloads during first day Around 3000 – 4000 users monthly Second generation since March 2012 the service is trilingual (Finnish, Swedish and English) the indicators can be shared in social media Main target groups: decision makers, members of the parliament and their assistants, press officers, journalists, teachers, citizens.… Statistics Finland/HMik, 19 June 2012
Findicator is a comprehensive databank Up-to-date and relevant information on important societal issues Includes approximately 100 indicators of social progress A total of 18 data providers Indicators selected in consultation with user groups and data providers Statistics Finland/HMik, 19 June 2012
Findicator is user-friendly Most recent data for each indicator automatically updated from StatFin-user database; information on the next update provided For each indicator: charts, tables, analyses, links to background information Provides links to larger information sources, metadata and international reference data Data and high quality graphics easily downloadable for further use and analysis Statistics Finland/HMik, 19 June 2012
Technical architecture Based on XML-based publishing and standardised PX-tools Each indicator updated automatically from StatFin => Updated when new information is released in the database A web form application for updates from other data providers than Statistics Finland Statistics Finland/HMik, 19 June 2012
Architecture/ Statistics Finland statistics StatFin: Production Database PX-Web Publishing system Statistical publication: FastWeb: - CoSSI-XML - Office PX StatFin: Statistical database VERTI Publishing system Administration Indicator maintenance: Text, Links, Information retrieval system Statistical release: Analysis, metadata. Graphs, tables, Excel Statistics Finland/HMik, 19 June 2012
Administration Publishing system of SF StatFin: production database PX-Web VERTI Publishing system Architecture: Other agencies PX Text, links Graphs, tables Statistics Finland Source data PX SAS Excel CSV etc. PX-Edit Web-form Text, PX, links, release time SAS-macro t StatFin: Statistical database PX-Web Statistics Finland/HMik, 19 June 2012
new tools and solutions for web publishing, new concept for service production closer cooperation with the information users closer cooperation within the national statistical service and other information producers posivite publicity and user feedback reasonably steady usage with a remarkable increase in spring 2012; currently appr visitors and downloads/month International award: Best Use of New Technology (Oct. 2009, OECD) Achievements Statistics Finland/HMik, 19 June 2012
Further development to was launched in June 2012 co-operation to be continued to be integrated in the national monitoring system for indicators for sustainable development? the role in the measurement and monitoring of wellbeing in the society (GDP and beyond)? Statistics Finland/HMik, 19 June 2012
Contacts Steering Group Chairman Heli Mikkelä, Director, Information Services, Statistics Finland Secretary to the Steering Group Findicator Coordinator Anssi Kaarna, Coordinator, Information Services, Statistics Finland Chairman of the Network for Sustainable Development Indicators Sirpa Kekkonen, Counsellor Secretary to of the Network for Sustainable Development Indicators Ulla Rosenström, Senior Specialist Statistics Finland/HMik, 19 June 2012