You need: Pencil/pen Journal Unit 2 packet Journal 11/10/14: Last year Harvard University was found searching through the accounts of some of their junior faculty members. This year, the university acknowledged that as part of a study on attendance at lectures, it had used hidden cameras to photograph classes without telling the professors or the students. While students and faculty members said that the secret photography was not as serious as looking through people’s , it struck many of them as out of bounds — or, at least, a little creepy. And it set off more argument about the limits of privacy expectations. D, C, Q: Due to technological advances, there should be no expectation of privacy in the 21 st century. Hi!
Agenda: Journal: Privacy standards in the 21 st century “Letter from Birmingham Jail” Top 5 Devices: group analysis Create poster Gallery Walk Homework: Finish multiple choice for class tomorrow! Read “The Ballot or the Bullet” by Thursday Annotate for: allusion, anaphora, antithesis, metaphor, & RQ Newseum trip Wednesday (yay!) When you leave you will have: -analyzed “Letter from Birmingham Jail” for specific rhetorical devices.
AP Lang Calendar Monday 11/10= “LFBJ” group rhetorical analysis Tuesday 11/11= “LFBJ” multiple choice review, visual rhetoric Wednesday 11/12= Newseum! Thursday 11/13= “The Ballot or the Bullet” group rhetorical analysis Friday 11/14= organize, pre-write compare/contrast essay Monday 11/17= workshop Tuesday 11/18= draft due, peer review/edit Wednesday 11/19= Background for Zeitoun Thursday 11/20= 1 st Zeitoun discussion Friday 11/21= Draft 2 conferences + Zeitoun analysis Monday 11/2= Draft 2 conferences + Zeitoun analysis Tuesday = Draft 2 conferences + Zeitoun analysis Wednesday-Sunday = Thanksgiving Break!
Group Rhetorical Analysis RHETORICAL DEVICE: Evidence of it in use:How does this device contribute to his tone? Effect it creates:How does this device help Dr. King accomplish his purpose for writing?
You need: Pencil/pen Journal Journal 11/10/14: Last year Harvard University was found searching through the accounts of some of their junior faculty members. This year, the university acknowledged that as part of a study on attendance at lectures, it had used hidden cameras to photograph classes without telling the professors or the students. While students and faculty members said that the secret photography was not as serious as looking through people’s , it struck many of them as out of bounds — or, at least, a little creepy. And it set off more argument about the limits of privacy expectations. D, C, Q: Due to technological advances, there should be no expectation of privacy in the 21 st century. Hi!
Agenda: Warm Up: Privacy Expectations in the 21 st century A Raisin in the Sun Vocab for Act 1, scene 1 Rank the words, determine definitions Determine parts Begin reading Act 1, scene 1 Learning Log (11/10-11/14): Your choice! Homework: Journal explode due FRIDAY When you leave you will have: -used a vocabulary strategy to determine word meanings.