Muspelheim Fire
GINUNGAGAP Gaping pit of void where fire and ice meet
Ymir Ymir was formed at the beginning of creation in a place called Niffleheim
JOTEN Hornless ice cow
HODER Blind god
9 worlds
ASGARD Viking Heaven Upper earth
VALHALLA Mead hall in heaven
SKALDIC MEAD Served in Valhalla
JOTENHEIM Land of the Frost Giants
VALKERIES Warrior maidens Choosers of the Dead
WELL OF WISDOM Odin paid the lady of the well an eyeball for his wisdom
RAGNAROC Final Battle End of the world
ODIN Head of all the gods
SLEIPNER Odin’s horse
THOR Carries a hammer God of thunder
TYR God of War
BRAGI God of Poetry and Eloquence
BALDER Very Beautiful God Mother Nature’s son
LOKI Half frost giant/ half norse god God of mischief
FENRIS Loki’s child Giant wolf
HELA Loki’s child Goddess of the dead
Mistletoe Hod wanted to play
MIDGARD Middle earth Norse name for earth
MIDGARD SERPENT Loki’s child Snake encircling bottom of tree that holds up universe
FRIGGA Odin’s wife Friday
SIGFRIED, SIGURD, SIGMUND, BRUNHILDA Mortal heroes of Norse Mythology
SAGA Genealogical poem (Family Tree) 400 Generations from memory
ELDER EDDA Book/Source of all Norse myths
RUNES Magic writing
CELTS Original inhabitants of England
ANGLES, SAXONS, JUTES Three tribes which invaded England
HAROLD English leader Lost battle against William Arrow in the eye
WILLIAM French leader invaded England Defeated Harold in The Battle of Hastings Ended Anglo-Saxon Period in 1066
WYRD A belief in fate
SCOP, SKALD Professional poet storyteller who lives in every tribe
ALFRED THE GREAT Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
VENERABLE BEDE Writer of the History of the English Church and people Only people who could read and write
KENNING Whale-road, ring-bearer, shepard of evil