Types of Government Tax Related Citizenship Related PowersCompromises
-The absence of any form of government Row Question
-Anarchy Row Answer
-A form of government where each citizens has an actual say in the affairs of government Row Question
-Direct Democracy Row Answer
-A form of government led by a king or queen Row Question
-Monarchy Row Answer
-Type of government that is ruled by religious leaders Row Question
-Theocracy Row Answer
-Government that is ruled by a small group of people Row Question
-Oligarchy Row Answer
- Tax that is placed upon certain items such as gas, alcohol, and cigarettes Row Question
- Excise Tax Row Answer
- Tax rate that is placed upon certain items as they are imported into the nation Row Question
-Tariffs Row Answer
Row Question - Tax that is based on the money one earns and this tax is usually progressive
-Income Taxes Row Answer
Row Question -Tax that is based on the ability of a person to pay and people who make more money should pay a greater percentage
-Progressive Tax Row Answer
-Tax that is paid on an equal percentage by everyone---can be unfair to those with less of a disposable income Row Question
- Regressive Tax Row Answer
-Process where non-citizens gain citizenships Row Question
-Naturalization Row Answer
-Formal permission from a non-citizen to be in a nation Row Question
-Visa Row Answer
-The process of being expelled from a nation Row Question
-Deportation Row Answer
-Things that all citizens should do but are not required to do Row Question
-Duties Row Answer
-Things that all citizens should do but are not required to do Row Question
-Responsibilities Row Answer
-Government proposed by James Madison at the convention—it called for a three branch government with a legislature based on population Row Question
-Virginia Plan Row Answer
-Government plan presented by William Patterson that called for a legislature based on state equality and a group executive power Row Question
-New Jersey Plan Row Answer
-Agreement made at the convention 1787 that created a two house legislature with one house based on population and the other based on state equality Row Question
-The Great Compromise Row Answer
-Agreement mad at the convention of 1787 that slaves would count as 3/5 a person for the census to determine the population of each state Row Question
-3/5 Compromise Row Answer
-Agreement at the convention of 1787 that Congress would not tax exports and slave trading could be banned in 20 years Row Question
-Slave Trade Compromise Row Answer
-Idea that powers of government should be divided so that government will be less likely to abuse the rights of a citizen Row Question
-Separation of Powers Row Answer
-Powers that are given only to the national government such as the power to declare war, raise an army, coin money, or make treaties Row Question
-Enumerated Powers Row Answer
-Powers that are not specifically written in the Constitution but are interpreted to exist Row Question
-Implied Powers Row Answer
-powers that are shared by all levels of government such as power to tax, pass laws, and enforce laws Row Question
-Concurrent Powers Row Answer
-powers that are only given to states such as education, marriage laws, zoning regulations Row Question
-Reserved Powers Row Answer