Addictive Flow Jessica Escalona
What is Addictive Flow? ► We’re not just a recording studio. We’re a production company. ► Specialize with hip-hop and R&B artists. ► Provide the artist with: Music production & recording Promotional Services Distribution Services Merchandise Services
What happens when an artist gets signed? ► The artist will be signed on a contract for 8 years. (Contract includes details on royalties, billing, and artist expectations). ► Within these 8 years, Addictive Flow will: Record their album. Promote the artist, as well as, the music produced. (Through the internet, street teams, scheduled appearances, etc.) Distribute the music. (This includes CD printing, iTunes, AmazonMP3, etc.) Work to design their artist web pages & profiles. Design and manufacture the merchandise.
Artist Contract ► 8 Year Contract ► Must record 2 albums. ► Recoup artist expenses. ► Royalties ► 70% of the money made from CD Sales (digitally & traditionally) ► 50% of Merchandise Sales ► Artist will not make royalties form CDs or merchandise unless artist expenses have been recouped. ► Addictive Flow does not handle concert booking.
Recording ► The company’s personal recording studio. Used to record & produce our client’s music. Used to make extra profit from outside clients that just want simple recordings (vocal tracking, audition tapes, etc.) ► Client gets 2 studio albums covered by Addictive Flow. ► Extra studio time for other singles or albums must be paid for at a discounted price.
Distribution ► Addictive Flow will work for the artist to distribute music digitally and traditionally. ► Use of SongCast – distribute music digitally. ► Traditional CDs will be sold on the Addictive Flow website.
Promotion ► Websites ► MySpace, Facebook, Twitters, etc. ► Street Teams
Merchandise ► Addictive Flow will design merchandise ► This includes!: T-Shirts Mugs Bumper Stickers & MORE! ► (Merchandise Company)
What do we need to start Addictive Flow? ► Studio Equipment - $42, (includes taxes) ► Marketing Equipment - $3, (includes taxes) ► Business Flyers – approx. $99.00 ► Website Hosting – approx. $90.00/year ► UPC Code - $ (initial fee) + $ (maintenance fee) ► Total: $ $49, – approx. $50,000.00
Expenses to Start Out
How will Addictive Flow start out? ► In-Home Studio Recordings & Productions ► Start out with only 2 or 3 artists. ► Work out of an in-home office. ► Wait before making big decisions. (gives time to save money!)
How much will it cost to run Addictive Flow? ► Studio Utilities: approx. $585.00/month ($7,020.00/year) ► Rent: in home studio (for first 5-10 years) ► Website: $90.00/year for hosting ► Distribution: $150.00/year for UPC Code Maintenance ► Studio Maintenance: Approx. $300.00/month ($3,600.00/year) ► Artist expenses: $3,500.00/year/artist. ($10,500.00/year for 3 artists) ► Total expenses: $21,360.00/year (first 5-10 years) Approx. $98,840.00/year (after the move to a bigger recording studio space)
How much will it cost to run Addictive Flow? (First 5-10 Years)
Total to start out is?
Expenses Per Artist (overall) ► Studio Time: Covered (Personal Recording Studio) ► Distribution through SongCast: $5.99/month + $19.99/album AND/OR $9.99/single ► CD Duplication: 300 $ Tax (Approx. $0.93/CD) ► Website Hosting: $90.00/year ► Merchandise Budget: approx. $1, ► Total: Approx. $2, (start out), approx. $3,500.00/year (an extra $1, from start out)
How are we making profit? ► CD Sales (Digitally & Traditionally) $10.00/CD - 70% of Sales (after production costs, $5.95/CD) ► Merchandise Sales $15.00 – Addictive Flow Makes: $4.00/shirt (after production costs) Bumper $3.00 – Addictive Flow Makes: $.50/sticker (after production costs) ► Renting out the studio $55.00/hr to outside clients $35.00/hr for extra studio time to our clients.
How will Addictive Flow expand? (Next 10 years?) ► Expand the recording studio. After 5-10 years, move to a office/warehouse space in Hoboken, NJ. Costs: $6, Tax/month (approx. $72,500 lease/year) ► Work the recording studio, production office, and promotion office in one building. ► Become our own personal distributor of CDs & music. ► Start hiring people to work for the company. – Create teams (i.e. production team, promotion team, etc.) ► Sign more artists. Branch out from 3-4 to maybe a dozen or more.
How much will it cost to run Addictive Flow? (After Recording Studio move)
As time goes on… ► Although cost will grow as we expand. We hope as more clients come in, the more money we make. ► The demand becomes greater for our artists, which bring more profit.