Income Support (IS) Coventry Claimants by protected characteristics Data source: Work and Pensions Longitudinal Study Department for Work and Pensions
Income Support – Year on year dataIncome support – Percentage point difference over time Take me to more data
Income Support/ Lone parents – Year on year dataIncome support/ female lone parents – Percentage point difference over time Take me to previous data
Take me home What this is telling me? Overall, between 2008 and 2012, income support claimants as a percentage of Coventry’s working age population reduced from 6.6% to 4.6%. In the first quarter of 2012, 2.7% of working age males and 6.6% of working age females in Coventry were claiming Income Support. Take me back to the data
Take me home What this is telling me? The female income support claimant reduced of 2.5 percentage points over this time while male rate fell by 1.6 percentage points. Take me back to the data
What this is telling me? Take me home With the exception of the year olds, the percentage of those claiming IS fell across all age groups from 2008 to Take me back to the data
What this is telling me? Take me home The greatest percentage point difference between 2008 and 2012 was seen in claimants in the age group (3.6 percentage point fall overall). Both male and female IS claimants in this age band showed a reduction, although there was a greater percentage point fall for women (-4.7 percentage point difference) than for men (-2.6). The greater reduction amongst females could, in part, be related to changes in eligibility rules around claiming income support as a lone parent (previously lone parents with children aged up to 13 were eligible to claim IS, now only eligible until children are aged 5). The majority of lone parents are female and females in this age group are perhaps more likely to have older children, thus losing their eligibility to IS following the rule changes. Take me back to the data
What this is telling me? Take me home A greater proportion of the working age population in the areas of Coventry that fall within the most deprived fifth of areas in England (Quintile 1) claim Income Support. In 2012, 8.3% of those of working age in quintile 1 were IS claimants compared to 0.6% in quintile 5, the least deprived areas. All quintiles have shown a decrease in IS claimant rate since Take me back to the data
Take me home What this is telling me? Overall, there has been a 2 percentage point decrease in IS claimants as a percentage of working age population between 2008 and The greatest percentage point decrease over this time was amongst those in the most deprived areas (there were 2,605 fewer IS claimants in deprivation quintile 1, a decrease of 4.2 percentage points). Take me back to the data
Take me home What this is telling me? Bearing in mind the eligibility changes already mentioned, lone parent IS claimants (as a percentage of Coventry working age population) decreased by 0.6 percentage points overall between 2008 and Numbers of male lone parents are low; female lone parent IS claimants saw a greater percentage point reduction over this time (-1.2 percentage point fall for females compared to just -0.1 percentage point change for males). Take me back to the data
Take me home What this is telling me? Examining the age breakdown of female lone parent IS claimants showed that, as a percentage of working age females, the age group experiencing the greatest percentage point fall between 2008 and 2012 were year olds (3.0 percentage point fall, 630 fewer claimants). Take me back to the data