“Learning to Lead our Lives” Title: Results of the Wall Street Crash Skill: Knowledge and Understanding, Evaluation and Empathy NGfL: USA All images/ cartoons are believed to be in the public domain. Many of the images were sourced from the internet encyclopaedia wikipedia at
This image is a postage stamp produced by the United States Postal Service after USPS holds the copyright, so it is not in the public domain, but it is believed that these stamps may be exhibited on Wikipedia under the fair use provision of United States copyright law. See Copyrightspostage stampUnited States Postal Service1978public domainfair useUnited States copyright lawCopyrights What is the connection between these two images? What do you think her problems are?
Task 1: Look carefully at the pictures provided. Think about how American people were affected by the Wall Street Crash. Consider all groups in US society for example rural, urban, women, black people, young people, rich and poor. Thursday, October 24, 1929
What can you see? How are people affected? Unemployment in New York City
What can you see? How are people affected? Police stand guard outside the entrance to New York's closed World Exchange Bank, March 20,
What can you see? How are people affected? Foreclosure farms are being sold at auction as the farmers can know longer afford to pay their mortgages
What can you see? How are people affected? Dust storm approaching Spearman, Texas April 14, A traveler noticed a nice new hat by the side of the road, and he stopped to pick it up. Under the hat was a man, buried up to his neck in the dust! As he dug the poor fellow out, the traveler asked if he wanted a ride into town. "No, I'll get there myself," the man replied, "I'm on a horse." (Excerpt from THE DUST BOWL by Tricia Andryszewski, p. 33.) A traveler noticed a nice new hat by the side of the road, and he stopped to pick it up. Under the hat was a man, buried up to his neck in the dust! As he dug the poor fellow out, the traveler asked if he wanted a ride into town. "No, I'll get there myself," the man replied, "I'm on a horse." (Excerpt from THE DUST BOWL by Tricia Andryszewski, p. 33.)
What can you see? How are people affected? Homeless shacks ‘Hoovervilles’ in New York 1932 Here were all these people living in old rusted-out car bodies.... One family... [was] living in a piano box. This wasn't just a little section, this was maybe 10 miles wide and 10 miles long. People living in whatever they could junk together...." Here were all these people living in old rusted-out car bodies.... One family... [was] living in a piano box. This wasn't just a little section, this was maybe 10 miles wide and 10 miles long. People living in whatever they could junk together...."
Task 2: What problems did many Americans face? Group in American Society Problem
Task 3: Imagine that you are the women in the picture. Write a ‘sound bite’ explaining what you think the government should do to help you and your family?
What should President Hoover do? Option 2: The American Economy is fundamentally strong and will soon recover from the depression on its own! Option 1: The government should act quickly to support the people who need help. Picture courtesy of the Library of Congress Public domain
What effects would Hoovers inaction have on the American people?
Test your partner… Describe the following effects of the Wall Street Crash of power, but without using the actual words! See how many they get right, then swap over. Bank closures Stock market collapse Bank closures Stock market collapse Breadlines Dust bowl Hooverville Bonus Army Breadlines Dust bowl Hooverville Bonus Army