Coconut Palm K-8 Academy Ms. Zapata You’re an Essential Piece of the Puzzle
Contact Information Address:24400 SW 124 AVE HOMESTEAD, FL School Phone:(305)
Attendance Arrival/Dismissal- 8:20am-1:50pm If you want your child to have breakfast please have them in school by 7:45am. All students will be picked up from cafeteria by me at 8:15am everyday. Learning begins promptly at 8:20am. Students who come in after this time are considered tardy. Daily Attendance Daily attendance is MANDATORY! If your child misses any day(s) they are to return with a VALID note the day they return to school. All attendance notes will be turned in to the Attendance Office to determine if absence(s) are excused or unexcused. Excessive absences and tardiness can/may result in your child falling behind and may lead to retention in Kindergarten for the following school year.
Uniform Policy Students are to be in uniform everyday. No exceptions will be given. Boys Black pants Required colored uniform shirts: burgundy, white, gold or hunter green. Girls Black pants or jumper (burgundy or hunter green). Required colored uniform shirts. *** No jeans, shorts, open toed shoes, hooded jackets or sweaters.***
EXPECTATIONS Listen when others are talking. Follow directions Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself. Work quietly and do not disturb others. Show respect for school and personal property Work and play in a safe manner.
CONSEQUENCES Warning Speak with teacher ~ Ms. Zapata Student call parent One hour detention
REWARDS *Daily Treat *Weekly Treat *Treasure Chest *Call/Letter home from Ms. Zapata
Behavior Guidelines Jumping for Great Behavior Happy Frog…. Excellent Behavior So So Frog … Behavior needs to improve Crying Frog…… Behavior must improve Note or call home to Parent
Home Learning Home Learning folder must be in school everyday. Home Learning & behavior log (if applicable) must be signed. Be neat!
Helpful Reminders All forms are due immediately: Lunch Applications, Emergency Contact cards, Student Transportation Forms, Internet Usage Forms, and Media Release Forms. Your child may owe money to the cafeteria, please make sure all dues are paid. Please contact Ms. Koat, Cafeteria Mgr. Make sure if you have a transportation change that you tell me A.S.A.P. and fill out a new Student Transportation form. Breakfast is served from 7:45 a.m. to 8:10 a.m. Always wear uniform.
Any Questions? If you would like to schedule a conference with me please contact the school counselor for K-2 Ms. Gittman/ net