Welcome Coach Woods Coach Rogers Coach Cross Coach Jackson
Coach Woods Education: Education: Bachelor Degree in Physical Education and Health from the University of West Georgia, 2004 West Georgia, 2004 Teaching Experience: Teaching Experience: : Stewart Middle : Factory Shoals Middle : Factory Shoals Middle 2009-Present : Mason Creek Middle Coaching Experience: Coaching Experience: 9 th Grade Boys Basketball Coach for 3 years at Central High Head Boys Basketball Coach at Stewart and Factory Shoals Middle Head Girls Basketball Coach here at Mason Creek Middle Currently Head Boys Basketball Coach here at MCMS Currently Head Boys Basketball Coach here at MCMS More about Me: More about Me: Married to Jenny Woods who teaches at Mirror Lake Elementary. I have three boys: Jackson, Carter and Cole. I enjoy playing basketball and tennis.
Coach Rogers Education Education B.S. in Physical Education from Jacksonville State University in Jacksonville, AL M.Science in Physical Education from Jacksonville State. Experience Experience : Yeager Middle School 2009-Present: Mason Creek Middle School 2009-Present: Mason Creek Middle School Bio Bio Dewayne Rogers is a native of Attalla, Alabama. He graduated from Etowah High School in He then went on to Gadsden State Community College and on to Jacksonville State University. It was during his second year in college when he decided that he would pursue a degree in Physical Education. After receiving his B.S. in Physical Education, Dewayne took his first teaching position at Yeager Middle School then moved on to Mason Creek Middle School. Dewayne Rogers is a native of Attalla, Alabama. He graduated from Etowah High School in He then went on to Gadsden State Community College and on to Jacksonville State University. It was during his second year in college when he decided that he would pursue a degree in Physical Education. After receiving his B.S. in Physical Education, Dewayne took his first teaching position at Yeager Middle School then moved on to Mason Creek Middle School.
Coach Cross Education: Education: I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Health and Physical Education, with Honors, from Kennesaw State University in December Teaching Experience: Teaching Experience: 2009: Yeager Middle 2009-present: Mason Creek Middle 2009-present: Mason Creek Middle About Me: About Me: I am married to Ken. We have two girls: Alex, and Sam. In my spare time, I love to go outside and play.
Coach Jackson Education: I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from the University of West Georgia in Teaching Experience: : Chestnut Log Middle School : Arbor Station Elementary School : Chestnut Log Middle School Present: Mason Creek Middle School About Me: Coach Jackson is a native of Bowdon, Ga. I have three kids: Aaron, Jameson, and Callie.
Expectations Dress out every day in PE uniform. Dress out every day in PE uniform. Bring agenda with you to PE. Bring agenda with you to PE. Always have a positive attitude. Always have a positive attitude. Follow directions the first time they are given!!!!! Follow directions the first time they are given!!!!! Never race, tumble, flip, or horseplay in the gym……someone always gets hurt! Never race, tumble, flip, or horseplay in the gym……someone always gets hurt! Actively and appropriately participate in the activity that your teacher has selected Actively and appropriately participate in the activity that your teacher has selected Always sit in your assigned squad for attendance check facing the bleachers. Always sit in your assigned squad for attendance check facing the bleachers.
1 st 9 week Activities 1 st 9 week Activities Pickleball(3 wks) Pickleball(3 wks) Soccer (3wks) Soccer (3wks) Softball (3 wks) Softball (3 wks) LaCrosse(3wks) LaCrosse(3wks) Running Days(2 days a wk) Running Days(2 days a wk) Written Evaluation and Skill Evaluations Written Evaluation and Skill Evaluations
2nd 9 week Activities Flag Football(3 wks) Flag Football(3 wks) Ultimate Frisbee (3wks) Ultimate Frisbee (3wks) Badminton (3 wks) Badminton (3 wks) Ping Pong(3wks) Ping Pong(3wks) Running Days(2 days a wk) Running Days(2 days a wk) Written Evaluation and Skill Evaluations Written Evaluation and Skill Evaluations
3rd 9 week Activities Eclipse ball(2 wks) Eclipse ball(2 wks) Basketball drills (1wks) Basketball drills (1wks) Basketball Tournament (5 wks) Basketball Tournament (5 wks) Bowling(1wks) Bowling(1wks) Running Days(2 days a wk) Running Days(2 days a wk) Written Evaluation and Skill Evaluations Written Evaluation and Skill Evaluations
4th 9 week Activities Volleyball(3 wks) Volleyball(3 wks) Handball (3wks) Handball (3wks) Rec Games (3 wks) Rec Games (3 wks) Fitnessgram(3wks) Fitnessgram(3wks) Running Days(2 days a wk) Running Days(2 days a wk) Written Evaluation and Skill Evaluations Written Evaluation and Skill Evaluations
Gym Rules No chewing gum/candy No chewing gum/candy No drinks or food No drinks or food No pushing or horseplay No pushing or horseplay No flipping No flipping No jewelry of any kind No jewelry of any kind
Dress/Participation Requirements All students will be required to dress out. All students will be required to dress out. The PE uniform consists of a blue t-shirt, and shorts. Each student must put their first initial and last name on each. The PE uniform consists of a blue t-shirt, and shorts. Each student must put their first initial and last name on each. You cannot wear your PE uniform to school and be considered dressed out. You must change in and out of your uniform everyday. You cannot wear your PE uniform to school and be considered dressed out. You must change in and out of your uniform everyday. Athletic shoes are required to participate. (No boots or slip on shoes) Athletic shoes are required to participate. (No boots or slip on shoes) Failure to dress out properly will prevent the student from participating, therefore causing the student to lose 5 points off his/her dress/participation grade. Failure to dress out properly will prevent the student from participating, therefore causing the student to lose 5 points off his/her dress/participation grade. ALL jewelry (including body piercing) must be removed in the locker room before entering the activity area for safety purposes as well as the possibility of theft. We are not responsible for any injury or damage that occurs as a result of these objects. ALL jewelry (including body piercing) must be removed in the locker room before entering the activity area for safety purposes as well as the possibility of theft. We are not responsible for any injury or damage that occurs as a result of these objects. Jackets may not be worn for inside activities; sweatshirts are fine. Jackets may not be worn for inside activities; sweatshirts are fine.
Running/Fitness Days Jackson’s, Roger’s and Wood’s, track 9 laps =1mile 11 laps = 100% 10 laps = 90% 9 laps = 80% 8 laps = 70% 7 and fewer laps = 60%
Running/Fitness Days Cross’ track 5 laps =1mile 6 laps = 100% 5 laps = 90% 4 laps = 80% 3 laps = 70% 2 or fewer =60%
Breakout Friday Activites: Basketball Football Soccer Volleyball Jump Rope Frisbee Tetherball Walking Criteria for Breakout Friday: Can’t miss more than one day of dressing out excluding Friday. Be on time to class and squad. Participate in all activities. No behavior issues. Must make at least a mile on running day. If you are unwell on running day then you will continue to rest on breakout Friday.
Standards Based Grading 20% Running/Fitness Days 20% Running/Fitness Days 80% Dress out/ Participation 80% Dress out/ Participation
Gym Procedures Enter through side door closest to 6 th grade hall. Enter through side door closest to 6 th grade hall. You will have 5 mins to dress out. You will have 5 mins to dress out. Use restroom when in locker room before and after. Use restroom when in locker room before and after. Walk around the outside part of the court. Walk around the outside part of the court. You must be sitting before the buzzer sounds. You must be sitting before the buzzer sounds. Sit quietly in your squads while roll is taken. Sit quietly in your squads while roll is taken.
Objectives To provide an extensive array of activities with an abundance of opportunities for every student to be successful. To provide an extensive array of activities with an abundance of opportunities for every student to be successful. To create a physical education program where students are totally accountable for their own actions. To create a physical education program where students are totally accountable for their own actions. To develop good social behavior with the other students. To develop good social behavior with the other students. To allow students to experience competitive and non- competitive activities as well as team and individual activities. To allow students to experience competitive and non- competitive activities as well as team and individual activities. To enhance skill, interest, and an appreciation for the need of life-long learning, activity, and recreation. To enhance skill, interest, and an appreciation for the need of life-long learning, activity, and recreation. To provide frequent opportunity for students to evaluate their own personal fitness as related to national expectations. To provide frequent opportunity for students to evaluate their own personal fitness as related to national expectations. To promote cognitive knowledge of rules, history, and strategy through both written evaluations and application of physical skills To promote cognitive knowledge of rules, history, and strategy through both written evaluations and application of physical skills
Lockers Students are required to bring a combination lock only to place on their lockers. The combination must be given to the teacher so it can be placed inside the locker log. Access will be granted only to those student whose names appear in the locker log. No One else. Students are required to bring a combination lock only to place on their lockers. The combination must be given to the teacher so it can be placed inside the locker log. Access will be granted only to those student whose names appear in the locker log. No One else. As is stated in the Douglas County Student Agendas, the faculty is not responsible for any valuables (money, CD players, jewelry, etc.) which is left out in the open rather than locked inside the locker. As is stated in the Douglas County Student Agendas, the faculty is not responsible for any valuables (money, CD players, jewelry, etc.) which is left out in the open rather than locked inside the locker.
Locker Room Rules No food or drinks No food or drinks No electronic devices(they will be taken up if seen) No electronic devices(they will be taken up if seen) Hands and comments to yourself Hands and comments to yourself Respect others property and space. Respect others property and space. Do not open back door unless directed to by coach. Do not open back door unless directed to by coach. Clean up after yourself: pick up papers, etc. Clean up after yourself: pick up papers, etc. No waiting for friends. No waiting for friends. Absolutely no Spray perfumes, colognes, or spray deodorant.(they will be taken up if sprayed) Absolutely no Spray perfumes, colognes, or spray deodorant.(they will be taken up if sprayed) No vulgar language. No vulgar language.
PE Georgia Performance Standards 1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of activities. 2. Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities 3. Participates regularly in physical activity.
4. Achieves and maintains a health-enhancing level of physical fitness. 5. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings. 6. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self expression, and/or social- interaction.
Violators will be asked to leave the locker room, throw food or drink away, and may lose locker room privileges! Any sprays will be taken by the teacher.
How to bring PE clothes to the Gym You can only bring your PE clothes and shoes in a string bag or a plastic grocery bag. You can only bring your PE clothes and shoes in a string bag or a plastic grocery bag. No book bags will be allowed to the gym. No book bags will be allowed to the gym.
Lost and Found Procedures Located in the laundry room Located in the laundry room You may check the lost and found before or after school. You may check the lost and found before or after school.