Case Method and Participant- Centered Learning The Center for CMPCL School of Management NTUST 10/20/06
2 1. Attend PCMPCL Faculties PCMPCL I Day-Yang Liu Tom Meng-Y. Lin PCMPCL II Chao-Hsien Pan (Dean) Ruey-Huei Yeh (IM Department Chair) Chao Ou-Yang (CMPCL Center director) Bing-Huei Lin (BA Department Chair) Christine Chia-Fan Chi Ko-Chen Wu 1/2
3 1. Attend PCMPCL Faculties PCMPCL III Tsung-Shin Hsu Bin Luarn (EMBA Director) Ming-Yi Yeh His-Peng Lu (Director of Student Affairs) Cheng-Kang Chen PCMPCL IV Shuo-Yan Chou Shey-Huei Sheu Jon-Chi Shyu Guang-Di Chang 2/2
4 2. Progress since PCMPCL (1) 5 CMPCL Seminars: Time: 10/06/2005 (attendants: 130) 10/29/2005 (attendants: 100) 03/07/2006 (attendants: 75) 03/10/2006 (attendants: 40) 04/13/2006 (attendants: 50) (2) To establish The Center for Case Method and Participant-Centered Learning in January, (3) To set up a new web page for The Center for CMPCL to provide all the relevant information for CMPCL. – 1/4
7 2. Progress since PCMPCL (3) The classes with case method 2/4 SemesterCourseInstructor Spring 2006Total Quality ManagementProf. Ruey-Huei Yeh E-Business Administration, EMBAProf. Shuo-Yan Chou and Prof. Chao Ou-Yang R&D Management, EMBAProf. Shuo-Yan Chou Supply Chain Management, MBAProf. Shuo-Yan Chou Product Design and DevelopmentProf. Shuo-Yan Chou CEO on Strategy, EMBAProf. Day-Yang Liu Managerial Economics, EMBA and MBAProf. Day-Yang Liu Seminar on Case Writing, EMBAProf. Wen-Chih Liao Business Process Re-engineeringProf. Chao Ou-Yang Human Machine SystemProf. Christine Chia-Fan Chi
8 2. Progress since PCMPCL (4) The classes with case method 3/4 SemesterCourseInstructor Fall 2006Total Quality ManagementProf. Ruey-Huei Yeh Business Process Management & Re-engineeringProf. Chao Ou-Yang Financial Management, MBAProf. Guang-Di Chang Strategic Knowledge Management, EMBAProf. Gwo-Guang Lee Introduction to Management, UndergraduateProf. Gwo-Guang Lee Futures and Options, MBA and EMBAProf. Bing-Huei Lin Leadership, Strategy & Corporate Governance, EMBA Prof. Cou-Chen Wu Marketing Management, MBAProf. Cou-Chen Wu Electronic Commerce, MBAProf. His-Peng Lu Electronic Commerce, MBAProf. Bin Luarn Global Logistics Management, EMBAProf. Shuo-Yan Chou Manufacturing Information Processing, MBAProf. Shuo-Yan Chou
9 2. Progress since PCMPCL (5) Case writing project One case are currently developed by : –Prof. Day-Yang Liu - Taipei Smart Card Company Four case writing projects were submitted to MOE for funding : –Prof. Shuo-Yan Chou - Power Quotient International Co., Ltd. –Prof. Tsung-Shin Hsu - Hi Scence World Enterprise CO.LTD. –Prof. Sun-Jen Huang - The Syscom Group –Prof. Tzu-Chuan Chou - Chang Chun Group 4/4
10 3. Tasks to Accomplish Four classrooms will be built in the winter break Three case teaching pilot courses will be offered in the next semester. 1/3
11 Case Teaching Demo Courses Three teaching groups will be formed 4 to 5 PCMPCL faculties will be involved in each group Each group will be responsible for teaching one course in EMBA –Marketing –Operation Management –Management Strategies 12 to 15 Harvard cases will be used in each course Participant-centered learning approach will be implemented in each course –Students group discussion before the class –Teaching notes and teach plan –Sit in other faculty’s class –Faculty group discussion during the semester End of semester seminar for evaluation –Faculties and EMBA students will be invited to present and discuss their feedback about PCL 2/3
12 3. Tasks to Accomplish Stage I: –Individual faculty –Excited own courses –School is not really involved Stage II –Small group of faculties involved –Seminar series –Support from Dean (verbal not organized) Stage III –Dean & department faculties involved –Identified programs to move –Identified institutional changes (facilities, incentive …) –Undertaken significant demo project Measurement, tracking 3/3
13 Thanks & Questions