Beginning Programming for Engineers Introduction to Programming and Computer Science
Course Goals Learn basic concepts of computer science Learn how to use Matlab effectively Learn how to program in Matlab
What is Programming? There are 5 steps to successful programming: 1.Make sure you understand the problem. The problem must be well-defined. 2.Find or develop an algorithm to solve the problem. 3.Translate the algorithm into a language the computer can execute. (This translated algorithm is the program.) 4.Run your program, to get the results. 5.Verify the output, to make sure your program works correctly.
Algorithms An algorithm is a sequence of instructions that solves a problem, such that: Each instruction is unambiguous, and is something the computer can do. After an instruction is finished, there is no ambiguity about which instruction is executed next. Execution finishes in a finite number of steps.
Describing Algorithms 1.Get a 2.Get b 3.Calculate 4.Display c Algorithms can be represented using either pseudocode or flowcharts. The computer program is also an expression of the algorithm. Frequently there is more than one algorithm that can solve a problem.
Diagram of a computer Input is data that flows into the computer, through an input device. Output is data that flows out of the computer, through an output device. The CPU transforms data, processing a simple machine language. The memory holds both data and the program.
High Level Languages We can use the computer to help us program it! Source code is written by the programmer in a high level language. A compiler translates source code into object code (machine language). An interpreter processes source code without translating to object code.
Development cycle
Programming, Computer Science, and Software Engineering Programming: Applying the development cycle to solve problems. Computer science: Study of how to evaluate and develop efficient algorithms for various computer architectures to solve various sorts of problems, as well as developing new computer architectures to enable more efficient algorithms. Software engineering: Primarily concerned with the methodology of crafting reliable and maintainable programs, documentation, etc. Domain expert: Expert in some field of application, but able to converse intelligently with the computing professionals.
Program Speed Every computer instruction takes time to execute. An algorithm that can be completed with fewer instruction executions will be faster than an algorithm that requires more instruction executions. Shorter programs are not necessarily faster than longer programs, because programs often "iterate" over groups of instructions.
Moore's Law Every two years, the number of transistors in an integrated circuit can double. o Until 2005: New computers doubled in speed every 18 months. o Since 2005: New computers have doubled the CPU cores every 18 months, but the CPU cores have not gotten faster. (This is due to thermal issues: faster CPUs run too hot and self-destruct.) Quad-core AMD processor die
Origins of Matlab Matlab was created around 1980 to allow students to work with matrix software without learning Fortran, etc. Mathworks, Inc. has further developed Matlab. Now widely used for engineering and science. Cleve Moler
Using Matlab Matlab has features like: o Command line and history o Workspace window o Built-in editor o Built-in debugger o Help! Matlab needs access to a license server.
Alternatives to Matlab GNU Octave o Programs can be written that work in both Matlab and Octave. o Lacks the development environment and toolboxes of Matlab. o Completely free – no license server! Other similar systems exist, such as Freemat and Scilab.
Matlab as a calculator
MATLAB and Trig Functions Try these computations: sin(90) sin(pi/2) cos(pi/4) sin(pi/4) tan(pi/4) sind(90) cosd(90) tand(90) What units do these functions expect?
Variables and Memory Objects Type in these expressions: ang = pi/4 c = cos(ang) s = sin(ang) c^2 + s^2 Notice how variables are assigned values and used. Watch the "memory objects" in the Workspace window.
Clearing memory and the command window You can access variable values through the workspace window, or by typing in the name: c ang Issue this command. Observe the workspace window: clear You can clear the command history window: clc
Suppressing Output Try these expressions: ang = pi/4; c = cos(ang); s = sin(ang); c^2 + s^2; ans What seems to be the result of ending lines with semicolons?
Simple Operations on Vectors Try these expressions: a = [ ] a+a 5*a a*a a.* a a' a * a' a-3 a/2 2\a Last expression is "left division".
Simple Operations on Vectors (2) Try these expressions: a b = [ 2 ; 3 ; 4] a*b b = [ 5 6 7]
Using subscripts Try these expressions: a = [ ] a(1) a(4) a(12/4) a(9) a(end) The expression in parenthesis is a subscript or index. We can assign into subscripted elements of vectors. The vector will grow as needed. Try these: z(4) = 42 z(2) = 9 z(5) = 88 z(end) = 94 z(end+1) = 87
Entering Matrices Try these expressions: a = [ ] b = [10 20 ; 30 40; 50 60] a*b
Subscripts and Matrices Try these commands: a = [ 1 2 ; 3 4] a(1,2) = 9 a(3,2) = 8 Normally, use (row,column) Single subscript counts down column, then proceeds to next column...
Simple Ranges Try these expressions: 1:10 0:10:50 50:-5:15
Simple Functions on Vectors Try these expressions: theta = 0:10:180; c = cosd(theta); s = sind(theta); theta(4) c(4)^2 + s(4)^2
The plot command Using the results in c, s from the last slide, try this command: plot(c,s);
Writing Matlab scripts Sequences of commands can be saved to a script or “m-file”. Comments start with % or % symbols. Long lines can be continued using …
A simple script, simple_plot.m % This plots cos(theta), sin(theta) for theta % starting at 0 to 180 degrees, in increments of 10 % degrees. % % Programmed by R. Lindsay Todd % Clear memory, etc. clear clc % Co mputations theta = [ ]; c = cosd(theta); s = sind(theta); % Plot plot(c,s);
Running a script To run a script, just type its name. Alternatively, use the "run" button on the editor window.
Scripted input and output % pythag.m: Get a, b and calculate c. % % Programmed by R. Lindsay Todd clear clc % Get the values a = input('Enter a:'); b = input('Enter b:'); % Do the calculation c = sqrt(a^2 + b^2); disp('The hypotenuse has been calculated. It is:'); disp(c); Use input to get values. Use disp to print messages.
Simple functions function pythagf(a, b) % PYTHAGF calculates the hypotenuse of a triangle. % % The pythagf function uses the pythagorean theorem. % Programmed by R. Lindsay Todd % Calculate c = sqrt(a^2 + b^2); % Show result disp('Calculated hyptenuse is'); disp(c); end
Arguments and Parameters % Defining pythagf (in pythagf.m) function pythagf(a, b) c = sqrt(a^2 + b^2); disp('Calculated hyptenuse is'); disp(c); end % Calling pythagf f = 30; pythagf(f, 40); The variables a and b are parameters of pythagf. The values 30 and 40 are arguments to the function pythagf. Notice we do not use inside pythagf to get the values of the parameters.
Writing a function The function must go into an m-file with the same name as the function you are defining. E.g., the function foo_bar must be defined in the file foo_bar.m The Matlab "path" determines where Matlab will look for scripts and functions. A common pitfall is to create a script or file whose name conflicts with the name of a Matlab function that your program needs. Ways to avoid this: o Use names that are rather long. o Use names that can not possibly conflict with Matlab names, e.g. "homework1". o Begin names with your initials, e.g., rlt_plot instead of plot The help command uses comments for its text.
More on plotting The figure command can group related graphics and set some attributes for all the graphics. The hold on command prevents the figure from being cleared and redrawn for each plot. The axis command can set the range of graphics shown, the size of the window, tick-marks, etc. Use help to get more information! figure('Color', 'w'); % White background hold on; % Don't clear... axis([ ]); % 0<=x<=10, -5<=y<=5 axis manual; % Use my size!