Welcome to Team 6A’s Curriculum Night Team Teachers:Mrs. Conn Mrs. Harford Mrs. Perez Interventionists: Mrs. Belfiore Mr. Schwarber
Comprehensive Literacy Program Reading Writing Word Study
Comprehensive Literacy Reading Workshop Model Reading – DRA2 (Developmental Reading Assessment) – Mini Lessons – Shared Reading / Read Aloud – Guided Reading – Independent Reading – Written Response to Reading – Quarterly Assessments
Writing Workshop Model Mini Lessons Independent Writing Guided Writing Groups Conferencing Quarterly Assessment Rubrics are used for grading Goal: Students should be at a 3 (competent) by the end of 6 th grade.
Word Study (Spelling) DSA (Diagnostic Spelling Analysis) Word Study Groups Word Sorts by generalization
Science Physical Science Strand: Chemistry Energy and the Environment Life Science Strand: Genetics Earth and Space Strand: Rocks and Minerals
Integrated in all science units: Science Technology Scientific Inquiry Scientific Ways of Knowing
Science class is mostly hands-on so there is very little homework. When assignments are given they are usually in the form of note taking and studying for assessments. If you would like to see what we are doing in class, please look at your child’s binder.
Study sheets for assessments are in their binder and on my web page. We spend a great deal of time learning how to take notes from our text book and creating personal vocabulary dictionaries. Common Assessments are the same format as last year. They are focused on understanding, NOT memorization.
Social Studies Introduction: Five Themes of Geography Unit 1: Ancient River Civilizations Unit 2: West Asia Unit 3: Africa Unit 4: East Asia Unit 5: Central and South America Unit 6: Europe The sixth grade year focuses on the geography of the world.
Social Studies Students will learn through nonfiction texts, investigative research, simulation activities, small group projects and class discussions. We use the National Geographic: Reading Expeditions text series, however these books are rarely sent home. I CAN statements and supplemental materials are in their binder.
Social Studies Ask your child what they learned that day. Help your child study his or her I CAN statements throughout the course of the unit. Play the Jeopardy game that I provide on my website before each assessment.
Technology MS PowerPoint MS Excel MS Publisher MS Word Webquests Technology is used to enhance learning. It is never used in isolation.
Math MathThematics is the math series (text book and workbook). Use common assessments (end of the unit), formative assessments (after a topic in the unit is taught and practiced), and daily assessments for learning (used to guide instruction).
Refer to each unit’s Learning Targets handout which outlines the specific content your child should learn before the final assessment. Students should be writing their own notes from class on this handout throughout the unit. The approach to the math curriculum is to build conceptual understanding- students are encouraged to use a variety of strategies to solve problems. Because of the shear amount of indicators for 6 th grade math, students can expect to have homework every night (no more than minutes). If students are at the frustration level with homework, please just write a quick note on the assignment so that I can provide support for them at school.
There are specific times I can meet with students for extra help in math: from 8:30 – 8:45 each morning, 2:50 times when I am in the team area (not at a meeting, etc.), at least three times a week during the intervention period, and during class time. Please encourage your child to ask questions during math class. I frequently walk around my room during math periods and check in with kids, so this would be a good time for your child to call me over for extra help.
First In Math Students are required to play First in Math for at least 60 minutes a week. Please sign the FIM log that is in your child’s take home folder. First quarter your child should work through Skill Sets 1 and 2 and the whole number gyms. Your child needs to earn 1,000 stickers for each quarter, with a minimum of 4,000 stickers by the end of the year. Remember: the goal of FIM is not to torture you or your child; it is to help them practice their number sense automaticity. Thank you for helping to monitor their work!
Assessments Formative Assessments – Snapshots of ongoing learning, descriptive feedback provided Summative Assessments – Common Assessments are given at the end of each unit in all subjects. – You will receive a cover sheet (inventory) that shows the student's performance on each indicator and a final letter grade for that assessment. Parents are required to sign and return the inventory sheet regardless of the grade. This facilitates parent/student communication about school. – Ohio Achievement Tests (OAT)
Grading Interims will only be sent home with students who need extra monitoring in any content area. We may not send interims to all students. Report Cards are sent home quarterly. Common Assessment grades make up the bulk of the report card grade. Homework is not counted in the final report card grade for each quarter.
Team A Behavior Plan Punch Card Academic/Behavior Checklist Rewards
Family Information System Family Information System
Reminder 1. Be sure to sign-up for a conference with your child’s homeroom teacher. 2. Sign-up for our team parties. 3. Take a moment and visit the DARE, Music, Art and PE teachers. 4.Take a Malley’s Fundraiser packet with you. 5.Consider volunteering to be an Orchard Tutor. 6. Visit the Book Fair and Spirit Wear table in the media center.