Welcome Wolves! Please Get out your index card and make sure your name is on it!! 2. Read the board. 3. Get out a piece of paper for notes
Why are species disappearing? Hey – if we don’t know why it’s broke, we can’t fix it!
Subsistence Hunting Hunting to meet personal need Bushmeat in Africa and South/Central America
Commercial hunting Poaching = Hunting the wrong Poaching = Hunting the wrong ◦ Species ◦ At the wrong time ◦ In the wrong amounts ◦ In the wrong places
Superstitious beliefs
“Pest” control
Competition with introduced species Chinese Tallow Balloon vine Fire ants
Scientists estimate that every year in the United States alone, cats kill billion birds and approximately 12 billion small mammals, including rabbits, squirrels and chipmunks. Feral animals (escaped from domestication)
Pollution DDT – Bald Eagle/Brown pelican Beluga whale – PCB’s Biomagnification – accumulation of toxins as they move up the food chain
Pet Trade
Slow loris – not a good pet. Just no.
Habitat Loss Similar terms: ◦ Habitat alteration ◦ Habitat fragmentation
Check for understanding What is the #1 reason that species become endangered? How is a superstitious belief about an animal different from the medicinal argument for protecting a species? What is biomagnification? What is the difference between subsistence hunting and commercial hunting? How is hunting different from poaching?
CHARACTERISTICS OF SPECIES WHICH MAKE THEM LIKELY TO BE ENDANGERED Some species are at greater risk to begin with. Some species will never be endangered.
They are specialists Specialist – Panda ONLY eats bambooSpecialist – needs helmet to survive
Have attractive fur/feathers/attributes
Take a long time to reach maturity, reproduce, and produce only a few offspring at once LionsAfrican Elephants
Limited habitat Attwater Prairie ChickenBlind Cave Salamander
Genetically similar CheetahCalifornia Condor
High on the food chain Timber wolfJaguar
Check for understanding Why would an animal high on the food chain be likely to become endangered? Name three characteristics of a species (besides high on the food chain) that make it likely to become endangered.
Homework tonight: Wildlife management tool: ◦ Explain it, provide example ◦ Be ready to teach yours to the class tomorrow!