Remember Ecosystem, Habitat and Niche? Ecosystem – group of communities interacting with each other and the nonliving parts of their environment Habitat – Place where an organism lives Niche – organisms role or job, in its habitat, often associated with what it eats.
How do organisms interact with their environment?
Producers and Consumers Producers make their own food usually by a process called photosynthesis. Consumers obtain food by eating other organisms
Food Chain Producer Primary consumer At each level, only about 10 % of the energy that is produced is passed on Secondary Consumer
Energy is lost in heat and carrying out life processes Trophic Levels Energy is lost in heat and carrying out life processes In each link of the food chain, only 10% of the energy in the food is transferred to the next level!! What happens to the Other 90%?
Food Chain
Food Web Organisms can eat more than one thing Arrows point to where the energy is going!