The Tasmanian wolf extinct ? By : Trey Davis
Life for the wolf The Tasmanian wolf lived in Australia, Tasmania and New Guinea It is one of the few marsupial that Bothe sexes had pouches the male pouch was to protect the genitals wile running thru the brush The Wolfe's were hunted to endangerment and the rest died of in captivity thou some sightings of these creatures are still made
The diet of the Tasmanian wolf The Tasmanian wolf is a carnivorous marsupial It is thought that it hunted in small gropes The Tasmanian wolf was an ambush predator It hunted mostly kangaroos, wallabies, wombats, birds and small animals But it is thought that the Tasmanian emu was the main source of food for the Tasmanian wolf The way the Tasmanian wolf’s stomach worked is it could eat one large meal at ones so it could live long times with out food
Top of the Food chain The Tasmanian wolf had nothing to wore about it was the to predator nothing hunted it but us The Tasmanian wolf’s jaws broke skulls it fear nothing
Tasmanian wolf disease’s Could not be found
Tasmanian wolf leaves us The cause of the extinct shone is mostly caused by humans and invasive dingoes The dingoes were fighting with the Tasmanian wolf over food But the final blow came from man we put bounties on there heads
Unconfirmed sightings Since the Tasmanian wolf has been declared extinct sighting are still reported. It is my firm belief they are still out there But you have to make your own opinion extinct or not