Knowledge management is managing the organization’s knowledge by means of systematic and organized processes. For acquiring, organizing, sustaining, applying, sharing, renewing, both tacit and explicit knowledge of employees.
dikuw t e Information Centric Knowledge Centric Explicit knowledge Data Information Knowledge Understanding Wisdom doing things right doing the right things description : what instruction : how to explanation : why what is best Tacit knowledge
Knowledge Management Terminologies Knowledge Discovery Development of new tacit or explicit Knowledge From data information / synthesis of prior knowledge. Retrieving knowledge (Explicit / Implicit ) that resides within :- People (Individuals/Groups). Artifacts (Practices/Technologies/ Repository. Knowledge Capture
Tacit / Explicit knowledge is communicated to other Organization’s participants. Sharing means effective transfer, so that the recipient can understand it well enough to act on it. Knowledge sharing may take place across individuals as well as across Groups/Departments. Knowledge Sharing Knowledge Auditing Knowledge auditing is assessing the amount of Knowledge can be used in organization’s Products services and processes.
Knowledge Management Life Cycle Knowledge Discovery Knowledge Capture Knowledge Sharing Knowledge Auditing Knowledge Using Recreating Knowledge
KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT AND PROCESS MODEL Operational Processes Coordination Processes
Co-ordination Processes
Coordination Process model have four states AnalyseDefine EffectPlan
Scope Definition Generation of Knowledge Maps Generation of Knowledge Maps Analysis of KM Analysis of Knowledge Culture Analysis of Knowledge Culture 1. Analyse
Scope definition It defines range of organizational domain to implement knowledge management system. Scope should start with small to big..
Generation of Knowledge Maps Knowledge map shows in structured way. Current knowledge generators, holders as storage places..
Analysis of knowledge management In this sub process we understand the existing knowledge management system..
Inculcating a culture of sharing Aligning of Individual goals with organization Enabling team work and activity sharing through Incentives Formally building communities of experts Encouraging cross functional innovation teams Assigning ownership of Knowledge categories to people/groups Conducting periodic Knowledge audits Changes in organizational structure Continuous improvement CollaborationCulture Changes on employee job expectations Organizational initiatives can be grouped under the three “Cs” of Culture, Collaboration and Continuous improvement
Analysis of knowledge culture It is to understand the knowledge culture in the organization..
Definition of Improvement Goals. KM Measurement Planning. KM Culture Goals. Define
Determination of KM Domains Definition of Processes and Methods Definition of Rules, Rights, and Responsibilities Determination of Infrastructure Plan
KM Piloting KM Measurement Feedback Evaluation KM Update Effect
Operational Processes
KM Operational Processes Identification of Need For Knowledge Creation Knowledge Collection and Storage Knowledge Update Knowledge sharing
Share Group Domain Knowledge KM=( P + K ) s ShareTechnology Knowledge Management People Knowledge
Knowledge Sharing Knowledge Pull Knowledge Push
Identification Of Knowledge for Need Identification of NeedIdentification of Need Determination of Requirements Determination of Requirements
Knowledge Pull Establishment of Search CriteriaEstablishment of Search Criteria Search for CandidatesSearch for Candidates Evaluation of CandidatesEvaluation of Candidates Selection of Candidate(s)Selection of Candidate(s) Adaptation of Candidate(s)Adaptation of Candidate(s)
Knowledge Push Announcement of KnowledgeAnnouncement of Knowledge Knowledge Sharing OccasionsKnowledge Sharing Occasions
Knowledge Creation Identification of New IdeasIdentification of New Ideas Evaluation of New IdeasEvaluation of New Ideas Collection of CandidatesCollection of Candidates Evaluation of CandidatesEvaluation of Candidates Selection of Candidate(s)Selection of Candidate(s) Creation of KnowledgeCreation of Knowledge
Knowledge Collection and Storage Identification of KnowledgeIdentification of Knowledge Evaluation of Existing KnowledgeEvaluation of Existing Knowledge Package DesignPackage Design Package CodificationPackage Codification Package IntegrationPackage Integration Update of Knowledge MapUpdate of Knowledge Map
Knowledge Update Identification of ChangeIdentification of Change Evaluation of Change ImpactEvaluation of Change Impact Knowledge ImpactKnowledge Impact
Establishment of Search Criteria Convert the requirements to search criteria. Search criteria for each repository to be searched..
Search for Candidates Apply the search criteria to search for candidates. A set of candidates..
Evaluation of Candidates Analyze each candidate and determine to what extent each one fits the requirement and what changes would be needed per each. Predict the cost for adopting the candidate to current situation. Descriptive qualitative and quantitative information about each candidate..
Selection of Candidate(s) Determine the best candidate. Verify the predicted adoption cost against the estimated costs of creating new knowledge. Decide whether to use candidate or to create knowledge a new. A candidate for adoption or decision to create new knowledge.
Adaption of Candidates Perform needed modifications on the candidates. A modified candidates..
Identification of New Ideas Identify a new Idea. A record of the idea..
Evaluation of New Ideas Evaluate the idea for its potential. Detail the impact of the idea. Determine the requirements on the knowledge needed to realize the idea. A detailed description of the possible impact of the idea, or reasoning for denying the idea..
Collection of Candidates Search internal and external sources for possible approaches to the needed knowledge or the new idea. A set of candidates for the desired knowledge..
Identification of Knowledge Search for knowledge. Identified knowledge..
Evaluation of Knowledge Analyze the knowledge towards the potential of later use in the organization (variety of reuse-situations and frequency of appearance). Decide whether to integrate the package to a repository or not. Decision upon integration of knowledge to a repository..
Package Design Analyze the type of knowledge and determine a suitable medium for it. Create an according package. An empty package for knowledge codification..
Package Codification Codify the knowledge into a package. Meta information on the knowledge. A knowledge package containing the codified knowledge..
Identification Of Need Identify the need for knowledge. The identification itself determining that somewhere there is a need(expressed by someone) for knowledge for a specific purpose.
Determination of Requirements Determine what kind of knowledge is needed, e.g. process, method,module, etc. Define the requirements on the knowledge needed, e.g. what input or output a process should have etc. Requirements on the knowledge. Cost estimation for knowledge creation.
Evaluation of Candidates Analyze the capabilities of each candidate against the requirements. Regarding each candidate, estimate the cost of realizing the related idea and the potential it has. Descriptive qualitative and quantitative information about each candidate.
Selection of Candidate(s) Select a candidate from the set of candidates. Decision on candidate for knowledge generation.
Creation of Knowledge Process the selected candidate thus creating new knowledge. New knowledge.
Evaluate the identified change towards its impact on the knowledge. Determine the needed changes on knowledge. Determine whether the update is sensible to perform. Determination of the update needed. Decision on whether to perform the update. Knowledge Impact
Identification of change Identify a change having impact on knowledge. Identified changes requiring knowledge to change.
Evaluation of change impact Update the knowledge as determined. Discard the knowledge, i.e. mark it outdated, archive it, remove it from the running system. An update repository with updated or removed knowledge.
Announcement of Knowledge Analyze the knowledge towards a known need of persons. Announce the new knowledge to the identified person(s). Information about new knowledge.
Knowledge Sharing Occasions Announcement of Knowledge Analyze available knowledge towards who is known to need it. Get people together and enable them to share this knowledge. Knowledge has been shared among the participants.
Package Integration The package is integrated into the repository. Any related inventory, directory, etc. is updated to show the newly added package. An updated repository and according meta –directories.
Update of the Knowledge Map Analyze the change towards the need to update the knowledge map. Update the knowledge map if needed. An updated knowledge map.
Conceptual View for Knowledge Management Processes Knowledge Discovery Knowledge Capture Knowledge Creation ExplicitTacit KM Infrastructure Internal External Understanding Knowledge Knowledge Combination Knowledge Evaluation Relevance Value Accuracy Broad Understanding Knowledge FilteringCategorization Organization Classification Knowledge Repository Knowledge Sharing Knowledge Application Extensive Knowledge Performance Expert System Workflow Patent Management System Knowledge Update