STIMULANTS EFFECTS OF STIMULANTS Excited Insomnia (can’t sleep) Increase in blood pressure Increase in heart rate Increase in respiration (breathing) Withdrawal – sleep for a long time
TYPES OF STIMULANTS Amphetamines (speed) Diet pills Methamphetamine (Crank, Ice) Medical use Weight loss Control blood pressure & narcolepsy sleep disorder
TYPES OF STIMULANTS Ephedra Dietary supplement Caffeine Coffee, tea, cola drinks, chocolate Aspirin, Excedrin
REASONS FOR ABUSE Truck drivers –stay awake Students – study longer Hourly workers – to get more done Athletic performance – to feel faster High feeling Counteract other drugs
TYPES OF STIMULANTS Cocaine (Coke, Snow, Blow) Effects Anesthetic (numb) Ulcers (open sores) Convulsions Heart & breathing problems Feeling of satisfaction
HOW COCAINE IS TAKEN Chewed Inhaled (snorted) cut and mixed Freebased (cooked & inhaled) Speedball (injected) Factory = (dealer’s house) Chris Farely Crack (smoked) cheapest & fastest addiction (3-4 seconds to reach brain)
STIMULANTS Habit forming & addicting Can cause hallucinations & convulsions Can lead to paranoid behavior resulting in violence Can cause feelings of depression during withdrawals – possible suicide (Forrest Gump –Jenny)