Developmental Theories Chapter 2 Developmental Theories
Theory: A Definition A set of interrelated statements that provides an explanation for a class of events.
Psychoanalytic Theories The view that personality is fashioned progressively as the individual passes through various psychosexual stages: Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital. Three states of being: id, superego, ego
Freud: Psychosexual Stages of Development The Role of the Unconscious Psychosexual Stages Fixation
Erik Erikson: Psychosocial Stages of Development Epigenetic Principle Stages pose tasks and crises that individuals must struggle through. Personality development takes place throughout the entire life span.
Erikson’s Nine Stages Trust vs. mistrust Autonomy vs. shame and doubt Initiative vs. guilt Industry vs. inferiority Identity vs. identity confusion Intimacy vs. isolation Generativity vs. stagnation Integrity vs. despair Despair vs. hope and faith
Behavioral Theory Concerned with observable behavior: what people do and say. Behavior divided into units: responses Environment divided into units: stimuli Also called learning theory
Classical Conditioning Process of stimulus substitution in which a new, previously neutral stimulus is substituted for the stimulus that naturally elicits a response
Operant Conditioning A type of learning in which the consequences of a behavior alter the strength of that behavior
Behavior Modification Pathological behavior is acquired through learning. The way to eliminate an unwanted behavior is to stop reinforcing it.
Cognitive Theory Cognition: Acts or processes of knowing Representing, organizing, treating, and transforming information as we devise our behavior.
Jean Piaget Cognitive Stages in Development: Sequential periods in the growth or maturing of an individual’s ability to think--to gain knowledge, self-awareness, and awareness of the environment.
Cognitive Stages in Development Sensorimotor Preoperational Concrete Formal
Cognitive Learning and Information Processing Cognitive Learning (Bandura, Mischel, Rosenthal and Zimmerman) Imitation of behavior of socially competent models Self-Efficacy Use of symbols
Ecological Theory Centers on the relationship between the developing individual and the changing environment. Focus on the relationship between the person and the environment .
Sociocultural Theory Development (Vygotsky): Determined by the activity of groups a.Child interacts with other persons b.Assimilates social aspects of activity c.Takes information and internalizes it d. Social values become personal values
Controversies Different tasks call for different theories Mechanistic Model: Focuses on the universe as a machine composed of elementary particles in motion Continuity: Learning is cumulative, building on itself. Organismic Model: Focuses on the universe as a whole Discontinuity: Individual is seen as passing through stages. Eclectic Approach: Selects from the various theories
Nature Versus Nature: The “Which” Question The “How Much” Question The “How” Question
Behavioral Genetics Jerome Kagan: Timidity Studies The Minnesota Twin Project Polygenic inheritance
Evolutionary Adaptation Theory Natural Selection (Charles Darwin) Ethology Releasing Stimuli Imprinting Critical Period Sensitive Period