Housing support – the national perspective Stephen Sandham Homelessness and Housing Support Scottish Government
Presentation outline Changed landscape – Concordat / National Performance Framework / SOAs Why housing support still needed What can we learn from Supporting People? The Outcomes Matrix Current and future challenges
Changed Landscape - Concordat No separate budget No micro management - greater flexibilities End boundary between support and care Reduce reporting burdens Focus on outcomes not outputs All public bodies and strategic partners
National Performance framework One Purpose 7 high level targets 15 national outcomes 45 national indicators Scotland Performs website offers ‘direction of travel’ scorecard: [ /performance]
National outcomes requiring housing support services? Living longer, healthier lives Tackling significant inequalities in society Improved life chances for children, young people & families at risk Living lives safe from crime, disorder & danger Strong, resilient & supportive communities Taking pride in a strong, fair and inclusive national identity
National indicators requiring housing support services? Decrease proportion of individuals in poverty Increase average mental well being by 2011 Reduce alcohol related admissions by 2011 Reduce proportion of people aged 65 and over admitted as emergency inpatients All unintentionally homeless households will be entitled to settled accommodation by 2012 Increase percentage of people aged 65 and over with high levels of care needs cared for at home Decrease the estimated number of problem drug users in Scotland by 2011
Single outcome agreements – reflections on first set Few specific references within SOAs, but: –7 used indicator “increasing proportion of people able to sustain independent quality of life” –100% mentioned support for older people –90% mentioned homelessness –60% mentioned domestic violence Challenge from SG on scope and level of ambition in SOA, but local ownership vital Next set of SOAs to be agreed with community planning partners – will engagement be real?
History lessons from Supporting People Limited evidence of outcomes – vulnerable to cuts Pressures building in system since 2004 HSEU research suggests not reducing? Even more critical to evidence impact Housing support saves money, but must keep showing it: –offers value for money –achieves hard and soft outcomes
Outcomes matrix and other reporting arrangements Matrix no longer a national requirement May help evidence contribution of housing support to: –SOA indicators / targets and local plans / strategies –Community care outcomes –Homelessness prevention –Same as You agenda –Helping older people maintain independent living –Meeting Care Commission requirements Future national reporting on housing support?
What next with outcome matrix? Pilots positive – not perfect, but worth continuing to develop and promote SG will do that, through Enabling Unit, but won’t impose it Local authorities and providers to decide if it helps measure outcomes (and for which groups) Improved guidance and IT options Employability dimension to be added? Desirable to include cost / benefit calculations?
Current and future challenges Is the support system able to meet the 2030 challenge? Meeting it against tight financial settlements? Whole system assessment of need, planning and commissioning of services (across NHS, Social Work and Housing)? Securing vfm without de-stabilising commissioning / provider and provider / client relationships? Getting beyond short term contracts? Managing change process in partnership with providers ?
More challenges Personalisation and supported accommodation ? Maintaining preventative services without ring fence, against tighter budgets, escalating needs, and expensive care packages Improving regulatory landscape without loss of focus in short term How can SG best support those locally with these challenges? –Does the vision need refreshing? –Or practical assistance (with sharing good practice)?
Housing Support in the Highlands Sarah Hartley Policy Officer
1.Contracts Team 2.Commissioning 3.Reviews 4.Contracts 5.FAQ’s
Team Leader (Contracts) P/T Policy Officer Senior Contracts Officers (2) Contracts Officers (5) Admin Assistant Clerical Assistant Area Business Support Team Leaders (3) Area Contracts Officers (5) Business Support
Vol Org SLA’s Home Care tender Adult Specialist Care tender Recent Respite tender National Care Home Contract Housing Support And others………
Commissioning Policy Housing Support Commissioning Strategy Social Work Services Commissioning Policy
Step 4 No change to service Remodelling of service Tendering of service –Existing –New Decommissioning of service
HS Commissioning Strategy Part 1 – short-term services Part 2 – long-term services Project Planning Development Consultation Strategic Commissioning Priorities
Stakeholders Providers Service users Community Care/C&F/CJS NHS Housing & Housing Providers
£189,267 £8,736,344 £762,868 £2,237,662 Exempt Proceed Sheltered Stage 2
Reviews Notification Outstanding issues Main Contact: ACO
Contracting process ACO’s & Senior Contract Officer Providers Contract Negotiations Contract Signing
The Contract In draft form Short – term services 1 year Long-term services 2 years
Frequently Asked Questions ?
Why is the distinction between short-term and long-term services being made?
Client Group Enablement vs sustainment Chargeable vs non-chargeable Stand alone vs complex packages
Short term serviceLong term service HomelessnessLearning disabilities Young PeopleMental Health* Domestic ViolenceOlder People Substance Misuse*Physical Disabilities
We want to set up a new service – how do we get funding?
We are wanting to change our service, how do we do that?
What? What does the service look like now, and what are you wanting to change Why? Why do you need to do this? How? How will the change be made? £££ When?
Do we still need to submit monitoring?
Are the 21 eligible criteria still needed?
Removal of legislative framework Greater flexibility Policies ££
Review of Eligibility Criteria Housing vs. other support Service Specification SSA & Referrals Reducing Administrative burden
What is the budget for 2009/10?
Summary Not the end of housing support Challenges ahead Good foundations Evolutionary process New Era
Discussion What are the outstanding issues for you as providers? How do you want to communicate with the Council? Does the national vision need revision? What practical assistance can the SG give?
Group Work - 2 How do you want to communicate with the Council?