EEA grants Conference in Bergen Norway, Bergen, April April 2012 Slovak National Focal Point – the Government Office of the Slovak Republic
Norway, Bergen, April 2012 The Department of Management and Implementation of the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms The Government Office of the SR The Section of Audit and Control The Ministry of Finance of the SR The Section of European and International Affairs The Ministry of Finance of the SR NFP/ TA fund Entity responsible for irregularities PO for 6 programmes AA CA Implementation set up Revised MoUs – AUGUST 2011 => division of tasks
Programme grant=> Programme oparator=> selective procedure (public procurement) Donor programme partners The Icelandic Center for Research – RANNIS (Iceland) The National Agency for International Education Affairs – AIBA (Lichtenstein) The Norwegian Center for International Cooperation in Higher Education – SIU (Norway) Specific concern => Cooperation committee – relevant public institutions in the Slovak Republic in charge of the policy area in question Norway, Bergen, April 2012 EHP Scholarship programme - basic information €
Public Procurement Procedure open procedure or restricted procedure (organized for unrestricted number of candidates, however contracted authority may restrict number of candidates only to the selected candidates who have met the conditions of participation) Object of contract preparation of programme (elaboration of the programme proposal in cooperation with the programme partners and relevant public authority) by successful bidder implementation of programme Conditions of participation Personal status Technical Ability or Professional Suitability (the main requirements should be experiences in respective field) Norway, Bergen, April 2012 The Government Office of the SR => public institution => procurement of goods, services and works is governed by the Act 25/2006 Coll. on public procurement and on amendment of certain acts as amended
Criteria for evaluation of tenders economically the most advantageous tender - individual criteria should be specified relating to the object of contract (quality, price, operating cost etc. ) + rules for application of criteria (to determine a weigh for each criteria) lowest price Conclusion of Contract Contract shall not be contrary to the tender documents and to the tender submitted by the successful bidder Preliminary contract – with a condition precedent stipulating that the Programme Implementation Agreement will be signed between FP and PO after a Programme Agreement for Scholarship programme has been concluded with Donors. Norway, Bergen, April 2012 Open issues
Thank you for your attention! Norway, Bergen, April 2012