Fermanagh By Colm Fennelly and Ciaran o sullivan
Companies TTTTesco SSSSupervalue
location SSSSouth northern Ireland UUUU.K Fermanagh borders County Tyrone to the north-east, County Monaghan to the south- east, County Cavan to the south- west, County Leitrim to the west and County Donegal to the north-west.County TyroneCounty MonaghanCounty CavanCounty LeitrimCounty Donegal The county is situated mostly in the basin of the River Erne. It is approximately 120 km (75 mi) from Belfast and 160 km (99 mi) from Dublin.River ErneBelfastDublin
Principal town Enniskellen
population 55557,527
GAA colours TTTThe gaa colours are green and white
Longest road NNNN3 is the longest road in Fermanagh
Longest river TTTThe Shannon flows through Fermanagh
Things to do in Fermanagh MMMMarble Stone Caves EEEEnniskillen castle
Famous people from fermanagh BBBBobby Kerr played for Sunderland BBBBasil Mcivor
Famous land mark EEEEnnisikllen castle
conclusion Fermanagh is a brilliant place and I would recommend it
The End The End