STATUS OF KLOE F. Bossi Capri, May
KLOE SHUTDOWN ACTIVITIES New interaction region QCAL upgrades New computing resources Monte Carlo production Yet another trigger board Ordinary maintenance
New Interaction Region Simplified low- b scheme: quad triplets → doublets Remote control of low- b quadrupoles New beam pipe ( same as previous) Work responsability of DA crew Ended (hopefully) by next week Extraction more painfull than foreseen. Need to modify device to ease reinsertion All relevant modification done. Now alignement and closing
amplifier 10 cm coax 12 m twisted receiver SDS QCAL UPGRADES Differential amplifier to reduce noise, placed in a small removable box 10 cm apart of the PM. Overall gain increased by a factor of 4. Thin double electrical shield around PM’s. Twisted signal cable (no more use of blue box) Worst 10 PM’s replaced.
Status and time schedule All of the PM’s, new dividers, cables and amplifiers are ready and tested. Mounting and testing on apparatus as soon as work on IR is finished (? next week ?). This will take about 2 weeks. Receivers boards and low voltage dividers boards are now under mounting and will be tested and ready before the end of May, in order to be placed on the detector in the first days of June.
- Tape transfer to new cassettes completed (ca. 100 TB free): 4000 cassettes read and re-written at new density (40 60 GB). Some problems with drives. Meeting with IBM : 4 units will be replaced. - New disks installed. Fiber channel technology introduced (4 TB). Disks currently used to store DSTs + afs increase by 0.5 TB. - Database server upgraded (2 GB Ram). - Tender for CPU (+100%) & disk space (6 Tb) will be completed on May 27 th. COMPUTING ISSUES
IBM released information about the availability of a new Magstar technology with a roadmap towards 1 TB/cartridge. First implementation : 300 GB/cassette – native capacity Time frame 4Q03 Non-trivial connectivity problems : fiberchannel LAN to be implemented, taking into consideration the possible transition to Storage Tank Program, an IBM hw/sw product which should replace afs/nfs (and their hang-ups) in the near future (CERN is going to adopt it in the framework of Grid) New Library will be placed in the LNF computer center and remotely attached to the KLOE Servers. First installation: up to 4000 cartridges (1.2 PB) 6 drives (40 MB/s each)
OFFLINE - DATA Same level of reconstruction quality for entire data set (2001 and 2002) 70 TB on tape files × 5 streams DSTs produced for entire data set charged kaons 1% of runs on disk 2 TB total neutral kaons 80% of runs on disk 1.4 TB total radiatives (neutral) 55% of runs on disk 140 GB total radiatives (charged) 35% of runs on disk 690 GB total r - p ( 70 pb-1 available) 1% of runs on disk 70 GB total Current amount of data on disk determined by user request 4 TB of DSTs can be kept on disk → 100 pb -1 /day can be analysed by standard user program
OFFLINE - MC Great effort to review and improve data simulation. Goal: production of a Monte Carlo sample corresponding to 100 pb -1 of f decays AND 8.2 TB total TB DSTs 400 pb -1 of neutral kaons events 11.0 TB total + 2 TB DSTs B80-CPU time 0.4 s/ event generation + reconstruction 60 days running on 60 CPUs
Improvements mostly due to Realistic simulation of machine background Calorimeter sampling fraction and time response revised Wire sagittae revised taking into account measurement in 1998, 2000, 2003 Detector geometry revised Insertion of machine background as extracted directly from data Revision of old or insertion of new generators
Machine background simulation Analysis of gg events completed for the entire data set. Results on tape (bgg stream) - 77,000 small files – 8 GB total System batch queue used for the first time successfully. DB organization changed to store all the new infos related to the dependence of the MonteCarlo samples from real data New software, including A_C modules, DB2 interface programs, perl procedures for the automatized creation of the jobs, tested simulating few millions f decays Data set analyzed. Few corrections on the MonteCarlo and on the A_C modules handling the machine-background superimposition have been done and tested. Ready for a new pre-production test, including Monte Carlo generation, data reconstruction and DST creation.
ANOTHER TRIGGER BOARD? At present, RF syncronization and FEE pulsing managed via a number of NIM modules located in a dedicated crate (with some complicated and somewhat esoteric cabling) Worsening of EmC timing resolution observed from time to time and cured by Adb magic touch (Sciubba effect). A new 9U board, to be located in the trigger crate, has been designed and built to simplify above procedure. At present under laboratory test, on apparatus in a few weeks.
ORDINARY MAINTENANCE A few short runs taken from time to time to check DAQ integrity. successfull although not conclusive (need more stable conditions) All of bad EMC HV cards replaced Some DC bad channels cured. Need for cosmic ray run to check better. Standard operating gas mixture (no water) in DC since a few days. A long complete cosmic ray run planned for beginning next week Some mainten. work on magnet performed by Oxford. Inst. experts. New coffee machine near KLOE C.R. No one knows how to use it Detector geometrical survey performed