Report on TTonT By: Jan Rozema
Contents Historical overview Status (at PFAC-02) Terms of Reference How to go onward
Historical overview 1. Task Team AWS (TT-AWS): Initial development / basic concept of an automated weather station for use onboard of ships (S-AWS: Shipborne Automatic WeatherStation) 2. Task Team on Tendering (TTonT): Preparation for tender phase requirements document initial specifications (global design) functional and technical specification (design) Inventarisation of possible tender scenario’s Chosen scenario Invitation to Tender document
Historical overview - Actions and Timescale E-SURFMAR Task Team AWS User requirements Initial specifications May 2009 November 2009 PB-Obs 19 PB-Obs 20 E-SURFMAR Task Team on Tendering Tendering scenario Functional and Technical specifications All other tendering documentation 2nd attempt March 2010 May 2010 October 2010 November 2010 March 2011 PB-Obs 21 VOSTAG 7 FPAC 01 EUMETNET Assembly PFAC02 Future Task Team European Tender to procure the S-AWS 2011
ScenarioCall for TenderBudget Asset Management Asset Ownership 3-AParticipants 3-B One managing Member 3-CEIG 5-A One managing Member Combined Participants One managing Member 5-B One managing Member 7-A EIGE-SURFMAR One managing Member 7-BEIG 8 E-SURFMAREIG Historical overview - scenario’s
Status Two documents: 1.Status report for the EUMETNET/PFAC 2.Concept ITT
PFAC – tender approach 1.The EIG initiates a call for tender in the name and on behalf of the four NMS’s that intend to buy the S-AWS(procurement phase). 2.The EIG, the Programme Manager, and the members that intend to buy the S-AWS are involved in the selection committee. 3.The EIG signs a Framework Agreement with the selected economic operator. This agreement will govern the ‘Subsequent Contracts’ to be signed for the execution of the procurement. 4.Several Subsequent Contracts are to be signed with the selected economic operator: The first Subsequent Contract relates to the prototypes and will be awarded by the Programme Manager NMS (Météo France). Several Subsequent Contracts related to the purchase of AWS by members for their own needs will be awarded individually by the concerned members. A Subsequent Contract related to the purchase of AWS for the need of the Programme will be awarded by the Programme manager NMS (Météo France).
PFAC – tender approach EUMETNET EIG should act as „central purchasing body“ according to Art. 1 (10) of Directive 2004/18/EG of the European Parliament and the Council of So that Art. 11 (2) applies, so that the concerned NMS shall be deemed to have complied with the relevant Directive. A decisive influence of all participating NMSs in the forthcoming tendering procedure has to be assured: All participating NMSs have to take part in the follow-up of the Task Team on Tendering that takes care of the actual tender, by delegating an expert for procurement and one for technical questions. The „Framework Agreement“, according to Art. 1 (5) and Art. 32 of the cited Directive has already to decide on all essential terms for the subsequent contracts (in particular prices and quantities), which will be the case.
PFAC – Next steps After a positive decision of PFAC, under the responsibility of the E- SURFMAR programme a new task team has to be set up, in which all participating NMS’s will be invited to take part. The goal of this task team will be: To issue a tender on behalf of the EIG EUMETNET, and to prepare a decision to be made by the Assembly for awarding the contract (the procurement phase). To represent the participating NMSs during the contractual phase, leading to approved prototypes, owned by the E-SURFMAR programme.
ITT (Invitation To Tender) Concept is ready Last opportunity to deliver comments until the 7th of April 2011 latest New version of ITT will be sent around on the 14th of April 2011 Last small comments can be delivered before the 28th op April 2011 Final documents to be sent to PFAC as soon as possible after the 28th of April 2011
Terms of Reference 1: The main purpose of the Task Team is to prepare a common call for tender for the procurement of autonomous S-AWS systems suitable for use on voluntary observing ships recruited by E- SURFMAR participants. OK
Terms of Reference 2: The Task Team shall follow the advice and instruction provided by PB-OBS Results were presented at PB-OBS 21 and approved (also by the assembly)
Terms of Reference In preparing the call for tender, the Task Team shall: - agree the tendering approach and timescale (e.g. phased procurement to test initial prototypes); Done (almost) - consider alternative solutions to reduce overall tendering and S- AWS unit costs, including the possibility to provide bidders with the drawings and the software of prototypes developed by individual members; Done - take into account the work of the TT-AWS (recommendations and technical specifications); Done
Terms of Reference In preparing the call for tender, the Task Team shall: - propose and agree the procedure to evaluate the bids; Done - propose and agree the procedure to evaluate the first S-AWS units; Almost done - make an inventory of the number of units each potential purchaser plans to order, the amount of money they can assign to the purchase of such units, and over what timescale; Can be delayed to the followup of the TTonT
Terms of Reference In preparing the call for tender, the Task Team shall: - determine the recommended maximum price per unit, to be written in the call for tender, in order to avoid prohibitive figures being proposed by bidders; Not done, regarded as “not necessary” - analyse the advantages and disadvantages of different tendering scenarios (e.g. EIG or a NMS call) to ensure that the tendering exercise is efficient with respect to cost, resources, timescales etc, and make proposals concerning who should act as the main contractor; Done - liaise with the EUMETNET ED regarding the consequences of ownership of assets when tendering under EUMETNET, and report on this issue; Done
Terms of Reference In preparing the call for tender, the Task Team shall: -prepare the necessary documentation (e.g. MoU) which would entitle the main contractor to collect funds (if required) and to issue a call for tender on behalf of the potential purchasers; Regarded as “not necessary” -make administrative tendering documents available in English (drafts). Done
And now? Agree on process towards the 7th and 21st of April: All comments will be collected by Jan Rozema until the 7th of April KNMI will make a list of these comments, and add a suggestion the follow up on these comments. This list will be sent around before the 14th of April 2011 to the members of the TTonT Members have the time until the 19th of April 2011 to react KNMI will finish the ITT, and send it together with the report to the PFAC for final approval, on the 21st of April 2011 latest.
And now – after approval of PFAC Define a Terms of Reference for a new Task Team Including procedure for approval prototypes? Choose a leading NMS AND Approval resignation of chairman TTonT