Do you know what a Jellyfish is ? If you don’t read this power point By Rachel Davis and Halle Cornelius
Some Facts About Jellyfish Most Jellyfish live in salt water. Jellyfish have no heart, brain or no head. Jellyfish were the first organisms on earth. They can kill in seconds. Box Jellies are the deadliest organism in the world. Some Jellyfish life in fresh water. Jellyfish are classified in the phylum Coelenterata, which means they have a very simple body with a large center mouth where food comes in and waste goes out.
Some facts about Jellyfish part two Jellyfish are invertebrates and don't have a backbone. Jellyfish are the favorite meal of many sea turtles. Jellyfish have existed for 650 years ! There are more than 200 different species of jellyfish inhabiting the in the ocean!
Types of Jellyfish This is a Box Jellyfish. This is a Rainbow Jellyfish.
What Jellyfish Eat Jellyfish normally eats whatever their long tentacles catch while drifting in the ocean currents.
Where Jellyfish live They do live in the oceans. They also live in lakes, rivers and all bodies of water that have a connection in any way to an ocean. Because they are in the water, they are actually what is known as part of the Cnidarian family.
Neon Jellies
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