Cold War
Yalta Conference Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin meet at a Soviet resort Poland Soviet Union wanted Polish communists to take over the government Two governments competing for Poland Communist and Non-Communist Roosevelt and Churchill agree to Soviet government plans Free Elections in Europe After WW2 each country could set up their own government Germany divided Four Zones US, Soviet, France, and Britain
Divided Plans Soviets wanted a weak Germany to take control of the area Land between Germany and the Soviets was very important for Stalin to take control of, in order to keep the peace The US had economic struggles People thought that the Great Depression caused WW2 Countries did not pay back war debt from WW1, and that hurt the economy
Truman Takes Over Franklin Roosevelt dies while in office Truman wanted to stand up to Stalin He was anti-communist Thought that WW2 started because Britain appeased Hitler Allowed Hitler too much control, and that causes a lot of issues
Iron Curtain Satellite Nations Controlled by the Soviet Union All of these nations had to be friendly with the Soviet Union Had to follow Soviet Policies Dividing Eastern European nations from the West
Containment Long Telegram 5540 word message The Soviets had insecurities, and feared the Western World Containment Policy introduced US did not want the Soviet to expand power Used Diplomatic, Economic, and Military Action to keep the Soviets from spreading Communism Crisis in Iran March 1946 Soviet Troops in Northern Iran Did not leave after the war Demanded Oil Supply US troops in Southern Iran USS Missouri came into the Mediterranean Scared off the Soviets from Northern Iran
Life During the Early Cold War Bombs Scared by the Soviets testing of the Hydrogen bomb Schools set aside bomb shelters Duck and Cover Technique Get under the desk and cover your head
Eisenhower’s Cold War Policies Massive Retaliation Increased number of bombs 1,000 in ,000 in 1961 Lessened military budget Cut budget from $50 million to $34 million The Army was costly to maintain Brinkmanship Going to the brink of war to have the other side back down. Covert Affairs CIA Used to stop the spread of communism within countries