Cold War Revision Guide ^_^
Capitalism VS CommunismCauses of the cold war in 1945 How it started Important DatesQuizWord search
How it all started
Capitalism and Communism System of government is democratic Property is privately owned Driven by free enterprise Wealth distributed unevenly Education and health care provided by private entities Freedom of the press Class distinctions: upper class, middle class and working class Focus is on the individual and his/her own progress in life System of government is totalitarian Property is owned by the state No free enterprise is allowed Wealth distributed equally Education and health care provided by the state Press controlled and owned by the state Classless society: all members of society are considered to be equal Focus is on the progress of the community as a whole
Causes of the cold war in * American fear of communist attack * Truman’s dislike of Stalin * USSR’s fear of the American's atomic bomb * USSR’s dislike of capitalism * USSR’s actions in the Soviet zone of Germany * America’s refusal to share nuclear secrets * USSR’s expansion west into Eastern Europe + broken election promises * USSR’s fear of American attack * USSR’s need for a secure western border * USSR’s aim of spreading world communism
Important Dates DayMonthYear 8thMay th August th August th August th August th August th February1946 These dates are important because these are the dates that lead up to the cold war. The events that occurred are the match that lit the flame.
Quiz: Question 1 A. DemocraticDemocratic B. TotalitarianTotalitarian C. RepublicanRepublican Where capitalists government:
When did the conflict between USA and the USSR start: A. During the Russian civil warDuring the Russian civil war B. After the great warAfter the great war C. After world war 2After world war 2 Question 2
Question 3 How many countries were communist? A. 66 B. 22 C. 1010
Question 4 How many countries were capitalist? A. 22 B. 99 C. 66
Question 5 What were the Americans scared of? A. Communist attacks Communist attacks B.Capitalism failingCapitalism failing C. Communism failingCommunism failing