Title of presentation | Date | Helping your business is our business.


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Presentation transcript:

Title of presentation | Date | Helping your business is our business

Title of presentation | Date | How do you turn these…

Title of presentation | Date | into this?

Title of presentation | Date | Sometimes size does matter

Title of presentation | Date | 99% of European businesses are SMEs SMEsOthers They employ 75 million people

Title of presentation | Date | Sometimes size does matter

Title of presentation | Date | 13% of European SMEs export 30% of US SMEs export 70% of Chinese SMEs export

Title of presentation | Date | The European Union means huge opportunities

Title of presentation | Date | Access to an internal market of 450 million consumers

Title of presentation | Date | Access to €30 billion in EU funds and financing

Title of presentation | Date |

Funded by the European Commission under the Competitiveness & Innovation Framework Programme (CIP)

Title of presentation | Date | One-stop shop for European SMEs Practical help from local organisations Listening to SMEs

Title of presentation | Date | Almost 600 partner organisations in 54 countries

Title of presentation | Date | I need a business partner in another country… How do I get European funding? What does this EU law mean for my business? How do I find a new market abroad? How can I sell my innovative ideas and technology?

Title of presentation | Date | Since its launch, the Network has: Helped companies to sign business, technology or research partnerships Brought 90,000 companies to international brokerage events and company missions Answered 375,000 questions on EU issues Attracted more than 1 million people to events

Title of presentation | Date | How do you turn these…

Title of presentation | Date | into this?

Title of presentation | Date | The Network helped a German firm to get European funding to develop an eco-label for marine products… creating several jobs The Network helped a French plumber to expand into Luxembourg, increasing their business by 25%

Title of presentation | Date | Be a part of it! Visit ec.europa.eu/enterprise-europe-network to find the Network near you